Dearest Elora,

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Fred's pov

I've been on my toes the pasted couple of days looking for the right words to say to her my thoughts are all jumbled in a big ball of love letters in the corner. I've been ignoring her but how can I she's my best friend what does she think about me is it even in that way? This just turned from a diary enter to a sappy book where I tell her I love her and die in the end!

I toss the page into the corner with all the other failures and pull at my hair. Does she like me that way why can't I just ask her? I sit at the foot of the bed as school starts tomorrow all summer I have been trying to write to her she writes me and keeps writing every week at least one letter just about how she misses me and how she wishes I'd prank her into coming over.

Cute things like that is what makes it all better. Even her sassy remarks are cute on paper. I haven't sent one letter back yet she continues. Stating in the beginning if Fred Weasley Isn't the person reading then she'll find them and turn them into a house cat sometimes even worse a fly or a bug she likes to joke towards the middle of course because if they read by that point it must be me.

I exhale as I will see her on the train in her normal train car this was her last year (If you meant for you both to be the same age sorry) I plan on flunking out on the N.E.W.T and selling things at a shop I have it all planned with George blimey is planning it all out is hard. But it's worth it.

I end up falling asleep not finishing my letter to Elora. Sleeping/ dreaming that I gave it to her and that she hated she smacked me and kissed my brother.

Elora's pov

Fred hadn't returned any of my letters so I figured after about the first five I have been sending them to the wrong place. Still receiving no letters, I can't imagine what's going through his head does he hate me does he think I stopped caring ? I keep sending them anyway, I see him tomorrow on the train. I'll ask if he got any of them.

After finishing my dinner I head up the steps to my room. I sit on my bed I see him tomorrow that numb skull at least I will see him or George they look the same.. Almost.

I fall asleep dreaming me and Fred were lovers and we had kids only a few because he wanted to give them the world, more or less with lost of food. George lived across the street with his kids and the whole family met up at the weasley's for the holiday's it's wonderful.

I woke up and rushed around.  Extra checking everything I even packed extra tooth paste. I walked with my parents down town to the platform I walk swiftly making sure no one sees me. I get on and see familiar mobs of red in the distance. I squeal hugging my parents as this was my last year at Hogwarts my mother began to get emotional. my father pushing me to the large sea of weasley's before they ran off to there jobs at the ministry.

I walked to Mrs. Weasley who gave me a kiss on the cheek and a slight hug before sending me off with the others. I stumble into the compartments with Ginny to hold on to she giggles pushing me towards the twins as I fall into George, Fred speeds up. We get to our trolley and he's not even there I sit with George as he tells me how all summer Fred got my letters just never knew how to respond.

It made me wonder because we sent each other letters since first year. After jokes upon jokes George left to go find him, but never returns. I change into my robes and sit alone as lone as I can until I give up and sit with Ginny and her friends.

After all the new kids are sorted I slowly eat trying not to make it a big deal that my best friend is ignoring me. I talk with Neville about some plants and Ginny about qudditch. I spotted Fred glancing at me a couple times but I ignored I didn't even try to talk to him when we got into the common room.

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