Riley's Pain

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Riley's pov

I was hugging Draco in the halls as the classes had ended for the Holiday.  He was going to leave so we gave him a hug and he was off. I sat in the great hall with the trio they talked of things I could only dream of. Ron had flirted with me often throughout the holiday. Soon Hermione and I had homework done for weeks and weeks after the holiday's so I laid around the common room until I hear..

"Ron that slimy goat is coming back in an hour."

I knew it was Draco so I grab some books and wait in the court yard as soon as I see Draco he hits me in the faces and hits my arm and starts crying "I'm one of them Darling." I bite my lip and sit down and he fell to the ground and rested his head in my lap. His sobs muffled by my pants.

The trio walked out to see us and the called my name not seeing draco. He stood up and eyed them "What do you want !" he sobbed they backed away, I stood up and held up my hands to show draco surrender. He held down his wand and sobbed into my shoulder then my boyfriend fell collapsed on the ground. The trio ran to get ma'am pomfery. I barely remember anything but waking up next to Draco in the hospital wing.

Days go by Draco does not wake, soon weeks fly by and Months finally draco didn't wake up. No one knows why. I haven't left his side Ma'am Pomfery is starting to worry about me. I sure hope he wakes up soon..

Note ;

Sorry if this is sad..

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