yule ball, I think not

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Hi it's Gianna and I am wiping the tears from my eyes as I make my way to the library. My eyes blurry so I stop and sob tears until m am able to see enough to go and hide in the library. I get there normal time and the librarian waves at me and smiles looking over the fact I am crying.

I go to the book shelves near the restricted section and sit on the floor close to one of the windows I fall asleep and wake up and the light is gone the window is dark and rain dots the windows. I sit up to be greeted by  Sirius black the devil himself the boy who made me come here and cry in the first place.  I stand up and get dizzy he holds my hands and steadys me.

 I pull my hands back "Who do you think you are get the hell away from me !"

His eyes soften as I am pretty much shaking with fear of him and his friends making fun of me because it's like no big deal to kill a girl form the inside and tell her rude things like no way it's not like she has feelings

"Gi- No stop just leave me alone I don't want to here any more of your harsh words Black !" I hiss and try to push away from him.

"No gianna listen to me I only say those things because they make me I think you are beautiful in everyway shape and form you take my breath away and it hurts me to say  those things. Gianna I want you to go to the ball with me tomorrow please so I don't have to hide my love for  you any longer." I scoff

"yeah right you probably have your friends hiding somewhere near to see if ill fall for you guess what I am not Sirius ! I am not falling for you tricks you bully me for years and you finally say you like me no chance Black!" I push passed him and walk to the common room where my friend Haylie was.

(Were friends now !)

I sobbed on her shoulder for an hour until she finally said it. "Gi, Forget Black his no good all he is, is trouble his whole family is trouble so you plaster that smile I know and love on that face and get some sleep you and I have to get ready for the ball."

I smile "Haylie I have no date going is pointless." she giggles.

"Gianna lots of people go alone and end up in a carriage with someone by the end of the night so you are going lady!"

The next day

Haylie has done nothing but pull me out of bed and pull out our dresses and iron them. It's finally late enough for us to start our hair and makeup so I do mine simple I was never one to do much. Then I curl my hair and pin it back after arguing with Haylie that I don't want it to be in my face, she gives in and let's me pin it.

Then I slip in to a purple lacey dress with a flowly bottom we set out we get to the ball the champions take place and start to dance Haylie runs off with her boyfriend and I am left alone at a table.

The night drags on and finally the slow songs roll in and I hav no problem getting up to get punch. I get back to my seat to see Sirius standing there nervously in a tux.

"Look Gianna I am so sorry for everything will you dance to the mugglest muggle song ever?" And at that moment james and reamus walked from no where and start singing a song from what it sounds like they made it up ... Everyone is gone the band is packing up. I sigh and take his hand slow dancing to the akward strumming of peter on the guitar. Then there is James and Remus sining like idiots.

"Sirius I do when there apart his heart beats only for you!!"

I giggle lightly and dance perfectly with Sirius he smiles and dips me "You look beautiful."  I blush and he twirls me. "Gianna it's true I love you forgive me."

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