Shannon's eventful summer

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Shannon's pov

It's the summer before I go back to school. I was staying at the Weasley's burrow. Fred and George had been making fun of my pet ferret Brownie. While playing pranks on me changing my hair color from Brown to Green. But I was too shy to take action, But this morning I woke up to Fred at the end of my bed.

"Let's play a quick game outside before mum wakes up!" he pulled me out of bed and grabbed my broom.

"Shhh!" he whispered as we pass threw the house. We finally get outside and Fred jumps on his broom and I jump on mine to go after him and he was at the top of the burrow leaning on  the side of the rail. I fly up and jump down and stand next to him. "What are you doing Fred it's still dark." He smiled

"Shannon, the war is soon and I want you to know something, I've held in for years. Shan...I Love you and I want to get married after the war ."

He smile and dug into his pocket pulling out a hand made wooden box. He opened it and got down on one knee "Shannon will you become my Weasley woman?" I cover my mouth and start crying. I put on the ring and he stood up and I hugged him. You heard a loud roar from below of the family cheering. I giggle.

"Hey Fred if we are confessing stuff...I'm Pregnant.."

Fred let go of me and got on his knees "There's a baby in there?" I nod and he stood up holding his arms up "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!"

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