So much better

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Song lyrics fit Fred's Pov

Okay so that's not the song I wanted to choose but you know It doesn't want to leave so  The real song I wanted to choose for Fred's pov Is Bruno Mars - Just the way you are.

Orchid's pov

So I'm Orchid Tan and if adding on to the tournament fright going around a ball is coming up and I am so ready for it to be here.  People have been getting asked out left and right! Even Cho chang.

I've been sending owl's to the families of the tournament champions. To let them know what's going on. It's lately gotten hard Mrs. Weasley especially she lets me know what to say to everyone over the cores of a many day  span. Only because she wants to know how everyone is doing.

Only part wrong with that I can't tell Fred pretty much anything just by looking at him my stomach flips and tumbles giving me butterflies. I've been sticking around him lately hoping he's ask me to the ball but just my luck in study he asked Angelina. Of course how could I be so stupid he talks about her all the time.  

I mailed my parents and told them I probably wasn't going to the yule ball and that they can just sent a cheap dress if they want. Which may come as a shock. So I went my life just as any other all my friends gossiping about the ball and carrying on and on about it everyone is so excited but me. So while everyone I getting ready I decide to take a walk down to the qudditch field no reason just the path wasn't covered in snow. As I get close I spot Oliver Wood flying around. I slip into the stands and watch as he fly's around and does tricks.

I watch until he notices me and flies over jumping off his broom right next to me and he stands taller than me as I am sitting down. He looks at me eyebrow raised and he sits down.

"SO what are you doing out here? " he asked curious.

"No date why waist time getting ready." I state heat dripping from my mouth almost like venom. Oliver laughed.

"You're joking you have a date right ?" I shook my head and oliver gasped.

"Well then." He bowed and paused. " Would you Orchid heir of the Asian thrown be delighted to attend the Yule ball with me?" I giggle then start laughing.

"That's too formal for you Wood." I snort, his smile brightens and he grabs my hand.

"Is that a yes because I am willing to make a stop at the castle doors to drop you off to get ready." I smile he is so sweet."

"Yes of course!" I smile and hold on to his torso. He drops me off then flies back to the field and I run inside to the packet my mother sent me with contains my dress. It was beautiful. short in the front long towards the back. I put it on and quickly enchant my hair into large curls (Or just a pretty hair-do you like)

I look in the mirror and see it's missing something. shoes... I don't have any shoes other than my everyday shoes. Would it be odd to just show up without shoes? Just then as if a magical fairy godmother writer heard my cry.  Pinkish looking heels were left in the packet where my dress was.


"You look stunning." I blush at the compliment and take his arm and we walk in waiting for the first dance.

Fred's Pov

I watch as Angelina came out in her dress she looked amazing. We met up with George and waited for the champions to dance first Harry looked like a robot almost. Then we all jump in the dancing I spin Angelina around in a circle. Ginny skipped over to me.

"Have either of you seen Orchid, I haven't seen her since she went on her walk. " I frown Orchid?

"Who are we talking about?" Angelina whispered, Ginny was still looking around.

"Oh never mind she came anyway." she waved and walked towards the doors. The I saw Her she looked beautiful, so elegant. I then see Ginny and Oliver- Oliver dancing holding on to Orchid. Anger boiled inside me. Angelina pulled on my tux and I walked around whipping my hair out of my face to look at Orchid who was laughing and shaking her hair to cover her face. It felt like time slowed to a stop and my world fell seeing her in Oliver's arms my stomach turn.

Slow dances flew by Hermione left and there stayed Oliver hugging her tiny body close to him as if he was her world. I look down at Angelina she should have been with Oliver. . . that should be me. I would treat her like a princess if he already hasn't.

Orchid's pov

"Oliver thanks from bringing me. Much better than crying alone in my room eating chocolate. " I giggle he smiles and looks off in the distance.

The ball over coming to an end and Oliver heads up to the common room he goes up to bed because he started to feel sick. I sit by the fire absorbing the warmth. After the last few people come in and go to bed I sit on the couch. I feel the sofa dip and I see Fred .

"So Orchid, how was the ball for you?" he asked in a weak voice.

" Really fun, how was it for you?" he sighed looking into the fire.

" Yep I had so much fun just watching you dance with Oliver. The whole night." He huffed. I raise an eyebrow and look at the fire.

"Oh sorry to hear that."  I whisper. I feel Fred move in his seat then I turn to face him.

"Orchid, why didn't you tell me you wanted to go to the Ball if you did I would have taken you. " He blushes.

"I waited until the day of the ball for you to ask you know." I murmur. Fred looked up from the floor.

"Really?" I nod.

"Oliver didn't have a date either so we decided to go together for fun." I spit out like a fountain.

The silence was worrying Fred stared at the fire in front of us. Fred soon breaks the silence.

"Do you like him?" I was stunned by the question.

"No he's like my best friend." I gulp back all the fear of loosing friends.

"Now I wish I took you to the ball." he sighed I blushed and looked right at him. He stood up and held out his hand. I take it and stand up almost eye level with him.

"I- I like you  Weasley." I whisper. Then giggle with excitement. "let's have our own ball." Fred smiled and we being to sway back and forth.

Then we waltz. We span and we dipped. I fell over a few times but he  held me. After a few more falls we sit on the sofa.

" Orchid I love you." He sighed lading his head on my shoulder.Fast asleep.

"I love you too Fred."

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