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I honestly loved this one ! Super short but love it.

Alexa's pov

I was walking into Potions when I saw Seamus my partner he smiled and waved. I sat down and others piled in. When snape burst in the door and walked to his desk. "Today we are working on poly- juice potion. Pull out your books, now!"

After snape's boring lecture Seamus and I get to work. I was drawing in the notebook a diagram. When I looked up I saw Seamus staring at me, I blush.  I Start to chop and cut I boil and ask Seamus to put them all in. Snape came around and watched us. Seamus just took note of all the steps, reminding me it is a flash Poly juice potion meaning it was only to make someone think that you are that person for a remainder of two minutes. 

Seamus was avoiding putting the ingredients in so I lean over and start to help him. I then lean back as he puts them in and stirs it the opposite way staring at me. I'm use to him staring.

A few seconds later the potion blew up in our faces snape was furious and sent us o the hospital wing. Seamus and I laughed all the way. Ma'am pomfrey was shocked surprisingly but she cleaned us up in time for lunch. Seamus smirked at me and took my hand we walked into the Great hall and I sat at the Gryffindor table. I giggled at Seamus the whole time then after or next classes we head back for detention, in snape's office.

Snape made us clean his office and classroom I didn't mind I made swirls in the dust and shot magically pieces of dust to fly up snape's nose. Later after hours of sneezing Seamus sets his herbs on fire and we are sent out. Dinner wasn't for an hour and I had nothing else to do than to sit in the grass in the courtyard next to Seamus who made small explosions In bottles. I just couldn't get enough of him for the rest of the year I begged and pleaded with the headmaster to switch my classes I didn't have with Seamus. I made a deal with McConnell if I can sit at the Gryffindor table I  would stay after class and polish all her trophies. 

It wasn't until summer that I realized I truly like seamus I sent him a letter that said I liked him deeply and I wanted to know how he felt it wasn't even a week before it was returned. Stating that he liked me too and that school was soon. Which it wasn't it was a month away. But I counted I counted just for Seamus, I sent him photos and told him my secrets.


( Because I haven't done much opposite pov)

This was it this was the moment I kiss her this is my time. On the train I kissed her then in there in front of everyone everybody shocked? Yeah but I loved her more than anthing in the world she didn't laugh at my explosions she encouraged them.


It's time to kiss her in front of everyone once again, for now and forever.

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