Sadness, Boyfriend, Love

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I love your name Btw ! (And I know that this may come off a little weird but I'm winging it!)  

Mattea's pov

The tri-wizard tournament has just ended and I am frantically searching for Harry my boyfriend for two years now. He Is no where to be found I have owl's looking for him the headmaster of every school. I just can't find him Ron isn't that worried which bothers me. Rain pours down on the castle as everyone is looking for harry, Hermione insisted I got rest.

I woke up to my bed dipping. I slowly open my eyes which were covered by my black hair. I peer down to the end of my best where someone is sitting. I know it's Hermione. Just bloody brilliant. I sit up and flip my hair out of my face and wipe my eyes. I slowly go through the day, The year has ended and we won yet again woo-hoo Gryffindor. This summer I am with my mother whom his a muggle. I don't mind, but harry he hasn't come to say good-bye. He wasn't at breakfast or he was and didn't care to sit by me. I stayed up in my dorm the rest of the time and slowly packed up. By the time everyone had packed and was waiting I was just walking out and get on the train harry no where to be seen.


NO letter's

No Pictures

No new letters from Hermione.

Nothing like I was erased.

School came around and my father was pretty mad when he found out the boy you lived ditched his daughter and threatened to sue him for all his inheritance. I stopped him and on the train ride I saw him I saw him smiling I saw him happy . Was I really that derby downer?

I walked by their cart and sat in the one next to his. I heard his voice it didn't seem pained. I just sat until the trolly came around. Oh boy did food sound good. So I bought as much as I could He then came out and gasped when he saw my eyes my hair my pale face I missed him and it showed. He frowned at me

"What do you want?" he sneered, I look down and whisper

"What did I do?" he huffed this attracted everyone.

"What did I do more like what did you do you ignore me when I was in the hospital wing  you don't even say good-bye you make it a point to not even send me a letter during the summer you don't write Hermione you ignore me ignore my letters ignore my tries to get Hermione to write you what is wrong with you right now?"

I am a little taken back. "Me I had search parties looking everywhere for you! I LOOKED FOR YOU FOR HOURS I SENT YOU THOUSANDS OF LETTERS AT A TIME I SENT HERMIONE LETTERS TO SENT TO YOU!" My cries turned into screams before I turned sharply into the cart and locked my door. My back turned to the door. I sneakily turned my music on from my head phones . blaring out all signs of magic singing out my heart. The door is locked thankfully a magic lock that only a conductor can open.


"Get, Get ,Get out of my head fall in to my arms in stead!"  (1) One thing ; One direction

"Somebody told me That I would be a dreamer for life!" (2) Lived a Lie; You me At Six

" Don't take money don't take no fame."  (3)Power of Love;  Alan Slivestri


My head phones fall off and I hear a soft voice from the door sing "I need that one thing, cause you are that one thing. " I spin around to see Harry and his head lowered but still smashed up against the glass. I unlock the door and hug him.

"Look  Mattea, I'm sorry I'll make sure I spend more time with you this year."

"Babe, it's okay." I whisper into his chest

"Good because from now on your not leaving my side. "


"Look I'm Sorry!" Harry shouted But I couldn't hear him over my music I was using (Insert musical instrument) air style and head banging to the song when I hit my head on the door opening it slowly. My head phones fall off and I have a minor concussion. Harry hugs me and whispers sweet things to me I would come back with a sassy remark.

"your kinda cute when your out of it."

"Pssh you know what's cute, that thing your sitting on."

In a way it was more flirty than anything.

"Okay you should get some sleep." he sighed

"Me sleep with you oh no pretty boy! I have a boy friend!" I hold up a finger as in to make a statement .

"I am your boyfriend, Mattea quit fooling around you're hurt."

"Ha! Harry when did you get here ! There was this guy he looked so much like you !"  


I fell off the seat and smacked my head on the opposite seat my eyes are blurred and my head is spinning. All of a sudden Harry is helping me up he helps my head feel much better.

"What on Earth were you doing?" he laughed kissing my forehead

"Dancing and falling " I sigh "Mostly falling." He smiles and hugs me tight

"I forgive you Babe." he whispered

"That's the power of love ." Giggled Ginny from the doorway.

IN the end no matter what you choose..

Third person

This year was crazy but harry was true to his word he loved me and this summer I get to spend it all with him.

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