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Possible trauma triggers throughout this entire book, mental health, domestic violence, gaslighting, among others. Read with caution.




"Y/N?" You ignore her calling your name, you are just too sleepy, the bed soft and pulling you down into it's supple surface.

"Get up, my sister will be here in an hour, you're a mess. Again." The last word is etched deeply with exasperation, like you are always the problem. The door slams into his hinges, but you can't even bring yourself to turn your head toward the clamorous sound.

Stomping, angry steps against the perfectly clean hardwood floor of the hallway, the door slams against the wall this time, which should have made you jump at the suddenness but you don't. Your body is shaking, no you're being shaken, but you're not going to open your eyes.

"Y/N, stop being dramatic and get up. If you get up right now there's still time to sober up and no one will know what a fucking disappointment you turned out to be. Right now. Your aunt will be here with your cousins and you need to go watch them." Your mother's fingers are like talons in your upper arm.

You'd respond but you feel frozen, it's too much effort to even open your mouth let alone string together words that would express how very little you feel like doing anything. If you're drunk why isn't the room spinning, a delightful merry go round carrying you along for the ride? Where's the teeter totter when your head rolls across the pillow? You know drunk, why doesn't this feel like that?



She slaps you and then somehow you're laying on your back, the feeling should sting, her wicked hand print on your cheek, your brain says it should, but it doesn't. You've not managed to open your eyes but you suspect she's hovering over you, rage on her beautiful features as she tries to wake her lazy inebriated daughter.

"Someone call an ambulance!" She's screaming now, trying to lift you but you drop back toward the bed. You really wish she'd just let you sleep it off.


"Don't think too much, just tell them why you're grateful for them." Dr Kang walked behind the row of tables where eight of you were penning letters, well were supposed to be anyway.

You dragged the ink across the sheet of paper shaking your head, you had no one to send a letter. You rumpled the sheet and stared down at another crisp white one it's blue lines neatly traveling across the page.

"Y/N, it can be anyone, don't get so hung up on it. Who has made you feel something other than depressed recently?" Her hand squeezed your shoulder and you sighed.

You scrawled the name at the top line, this was just an exercise, you knew she wanted you to just recognize there was a reason in the world you should feel some sort of happiness. You'd humor her, that at least was something you'd become quite adept at doing. She gazed at the name and when you tilted your head to look at her she smiled warmly.

"Jeon Jungkook has probably given a lot of Army comfort. Keep going." With a final pat she moved on glancing at the letters of other patients.

Patient. That word always gave you pause, you'd felt anything but that since you'd ended up at Dongwo Mental Health Resort five months ago. You'd watched countless other people come and go, ones with serious issues. They never seemed to stay beyond weeks, yet here you remained, writing a letter to an idol pretending to be grateful. You swiped a tear away before it could fall to the paper below and ruin another sheet.

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