Fifty One

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0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) Ft Seori by Tomorrow X Together (TXT)







"My life before you was a mess, couldn't win one round of this chess"

"The only one rule of this world, save me, take my hand, please use me like a drug"

"I'm full of problems, love sick, no way to go"







Jungkook watched her tilt her head to the side at something Chin-sun said, there was an innocence to it that made everything clench all at once inside him. His hand lifted and he rubbed across his chest as if he could physically feel the sensation as it drove into him.

She laughed and glanced at him and it was like something cold washed up his spine. He stood straighter, waved with two fingers but she was already saying something and was back in the conversation once more missing the gesture entirely. He watched for a moment while she held her camera up and gazed through the lens Chin-sun twisting girlishly as she posed.

He should not have slept with her, Jungkook knew that much. He should have held out longer, been stronger, ignored his desires with more conviction. That thought stabbed so hard into his body he almost gasped and had to turn away and pretend he was looking at a flower in the scrubby grass at the edge of the path.

They were at Lantau Island, hiking a bit near the Buddhist temple before their time slot for the cable cars that would take them over views of the South China sea and rolling hills of the country park. Y/N was excited because she'd missed so many excellent photo opportunities the day before. He was excited because it would be the first time all day he had her to himself, Jungkook had insisted the two of them take their own car.

His mother called it consumed, love sick, emotionally shipwrecked. Maybe he could only remember the story because he'd been raised by Jin and the managers and had so few memories of his actual parents. Jungkook could picture himself in her lap as a boy, the two of them at the kitchen table watching his father cook. She would stroke his hair, pinch his sides tickling him and then whisper into his ear the story of how they'd met.

"He walked through the door of the school, and I was struck, absolutely miserable with love for this stranger. My friends were horrified that I would be interested in a younger student, teased me relentlessly."

Even his father had shied away from her, shocked that she'd pay him any mind. But she'd persisted, certain that he was her future, and they married only a year out of college without even telling their families. When he was older and had his first crush leave him feeling like his heart was missing, she gave him some solemn wisdom he'd held against every woman after. He refused to give anything of himself away to the wrong person.

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