Sixty Four

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Trigger warning: mental illness, please remember to be kind, even to fictional characters, hateful comments will not be tolerated

🖤Press Play🖤

"BabyDoll" By Ari Abdul







"Call me baby doll"







"Hyun will pick you up after your appointment, I have my meeting with the guys at one, remember?" Jungkook leaned across the center console and brushed your hair toward your ear. His fingers were warm and comforting, he'd insisting on driving you to each of your therapy appointments so far. Today was number five.

You leaned into the touch and sighed; he'd been so sweet lately. It had been nearly three weeks since the Mina incident. You'd not been angry; in fact, you'd been proud that he'd so openly told you immediately. You'd believed him, you didn't doubt at all what he said happened had been the truth.

The issue had been as Jungkook walked through the details, coming out of the bathroom in only a towel, seeing her on your bed and lifting her off it, had changed something for you. Ever since that moment you'd not been sexually attracted to him, the very thought of intimacy had made you cringe. You were probably the only woman in Seoul under forty who didn't want to have sex with Jeon Jungkook.

At first you thought you were overreacting like you'd done in Hong Kong, worked yourself up into a frenzy but after a day you realized it was deeper than that. Mina had invaded your shared space, she'd fundamentally changed how you felt about your sexual relationship with your boyfriend. Now all you could picture when you thought about him taking off your clothes was how many other women he'd done the same with right there. Had he tossed them onto the mattress for tickle fights? Called them baby doll? How many other women had done even more than you on the bed you slept in each night? Had Mina been one of them? You knew they'd hooked up but had it been at his apartment or hers?

That night you'd turned Jungkook down when he'd suggested you show him the lingerie like you'd promised earlier when you'd been sorting your clothes. He'd not reacted when you said you were tired from shopping all day and promised to show him another night. He'd snuggled you against his chest and hadn't seemed to care either way.

It had probably helped that you'd spent the whole evening watching TV and talking, both of you clearly enjoying yourselves. The two of you had argued teasingly about contestants in a game show and eaten far too much food you'd cooked together. Well, Jungkook had done most of the cooking while you chopped and washed things. It had felt normal and you'd not realized until bedtime when you wanted to recoil from his touch.

It was sheer luck when you'd started your period the next day so it was even easier to shut him down for three days after that. The first sign of trouble came when he figured out it had ended and he'd initiated sex again. He'd crept up behind you, his hands gently dragging up your back as you stood at the counter until he nuzzled his lips into the crook of your shoulder. His hand pressed against your belly and pulled you backward dancing you away from the sink where you were cleaning up from dinner.

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