Forty Nine ➳

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"I don't think that's true." Jungkook laughed but you didn't return the sound, his firm squeeze against your soft inner thigh was too distracting.

He leaned down and kissed you gently his body language changing, he was suddenly tender with you. His mouth was a caress, not taking your breath away like usual. You felt his knee rest against the side of your leg as he shifted his weight to stroke his palm over your mound and toward your belly. It made you shiver beneath him, Jungkook noticed concern crossing his eyes as he leaned close.

"Are you nervous baby doll?" Jungkook pressed a kiss behind your ear, warm breath tickling down your neck as his mouth followed, the metallic brush of his lip ring an extra layer of excitement.

"No, but will it hurt?" You'd spent a lot of time wondering that, searching the internet and asking friends hadn't answered your questions. Most girls suggested their first time was less than memorable or at least not particularly enjoyable.

"I'm not going to let anything hurt you." His fingertips jumped from your torso to your arm and dragged along your shoulder until they cupped your jawline. "I promise."

You let your fingers stroke into his hair, you'd been lying about being nervous. You definitely did feel that way, but you also felt like you wanted this more than anything. Now that it was going to happen everything seemed to be moving glacially.

Jungkook had kissed down your collarbone and to your chest, his kisses leaving faint marks as they traveled lower. You knew they wouldn't last more than a moment but the sharp feeling of him sucking against your skin raised goosebumps. You traced the edge of one pressing toward him encouragingly.

"Should I leave a real one, right here?" You felt his teeth nip at the curve of your cleavage, his tongue bathing the inch of skin as he licked against it.

"Yes." It excited you to think of seeing it, wearing it beneath your clothes and remembering what your bodies had done behind closed doors.

He met your eyes as he kissed against the spot again then opened his mouth wider to draw the flesh to his tongue and teeth. It stung slightly but it also radiated pleasure into your tummy. He brushed his thumbs against your hard nipples while he worked and then with a satisfying sound he released you. The love bite was red with tiny dots of purple sprinkled across it.

You would have let him leave them all over your body but he was focused on squeezing against your breasts and kissing his way between them. His mouth focused on each one in turn, his tongue circling, teeth nudging at the peaked points. Maybe glacial wasn't the worst speed to go, your back arching as he nipped against you.

It was obvious what he was doing anyway, teasing pleasure from your body. Drenching your core with his touch so later it wouldn't be painful. Jungkook was achieving his goal, you were aching between your legs, needy for him to reach further down your form.

His shoulders were firm beneath your hands as you let your hands explore until you reached his wrist. It was almost delicate when you held it between your fingers. He linked his fingers into yours letting the two of your hands settle against your hip as he reached your belly button.

"One more here." He laughed a wisp of a sound and you almost moaned when he painted your skin with his mouth. When Jungkook lifted his head to grin at you, left behind on your tummy was the shape of his mouth.

His free hand swept beneath your thigh, lifting your leg and he pressed more kisses against it, his head turning. Jungkook was unhurried, letting his cheek nuzzle the flesh, his lips kissed and bit teasingly into the skin all the way to your calf. It was as if he was savoring the flavor of you. Your body felt lit on fire, impatience building in your core.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now