Twenty Four

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Jungkook sped up the treadmill, sweat was already pouring down his back but it wasn't enough to keep the thoughts from bouncing through his head. Had he read everything wrong? He didn't think so. The problem was that Hyun had interrupted them, he felt so mad he could fire her. He was convinced if she'd stayed in the kitchen everything would have turned out differently.

Y/N kissed him first, for the second time, he could feel how much she'd wanted him. She'd been soft and pliable beneath him, her sounds driving him crazy, he knew she felt the same. Another tap against the treadmill controls, his arms pumping fiercely, an ache behind his knees and in his calves.

He could practically scream in frustration, he wanted her so badly. The way he was feeling hadn't happened with anyone before, it wasn't driven by the desire to tear her clothes off. Jungkook wanted to consume her, but in the way that they were so intertwined that he knew everything about her. He wanted to be able to read her mind and know just exactly what she wanted all of the time.

He leapt onto the side footholds, hands clasping the rails, his chest burnt with the effort of the sprint. He was breathing raggedly, trying to catch his breath. The belt whipped below him, spots of sweat dripping onto its surface and disappearing when he looked down at it.

Jungkook was crazy, he had absolutely no reason to feel that way about her. He was stressed being isolated from his group and not having nearly as much sex as usual. He used to have four to five women willing to land in his bed any time day or night. If he even thought about sex, he was having it, within the hour.

The problem was he'd gotten greedy, five available women wasn't enough. Jungkook couldn't accept just anyone, he wanted the most attractive, most seductive, hardest to pull women he could find. He ignored the fact that women gossiped, NDA or not the lines were going to cross and now look where he was, very few choices to warm his body.

It left his brain too full of bullshit with no outlet. Sex was his way to blow off steam and without it he was convincing himself he was falling for her and there was no reason for it. They were friends, her words, and that should make him happy. Someone who wanted to listen to him and take his side was a gift.

He pressed the button on the treadmill and it slowed and stopped allowing him to step off. His legs were jelly but he swiped his cell phone off the weight lifting machine next to it. For a second he stretched his hamstrings hissing at the tightness.

After a minute he flipped it open and sent the text, fuck it was all he could think. The thought he pushed away was that once again he was being impulsive and not at all thinking with enough concern about the consequences.

JJ: I'm headed to my brother's for a little bit, I shouldn't be too long but will you let Y/N know in case I'm not back when she gets home?

He couldn't even look at the door of her room when he passed, convincing himself a black metal mirror on the wall he'd seen a million times was more interesting. He'd sent the second text before he'd even passed the kitchen on the way to shower.

JJ: You're home right? Headed your way


"You look lovely!" Hyun greeted you at the entrance to the salon, a wide smile on her face.

She handed your credit card back so you could pay the cashier. She'd had it while you were getting your hair done so she could run your errands.

"Thanks! I needed that, who knew a little bit of pampering could change my whole mood?" You laughed brushing a hand against your freshly conditioned hair. In truth you did feel like a different person, being treated like a normal woman and not a mental patient felt very comforting.

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