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"And now today of all days when you're angry with me you decide out of the kindness of your heart to tell me?" Jin glared but walked into the apartment, tension in his wide shoulders.

Jungkook felt his accusation, it was true he'd chosen a very dubious moment to be supposedly helping his friend. He wasn't sure what to say so he just followed quietly in his wake. Jin walked straight toward his bedroom, no teasing remarks about his mattresses, or how insanely tidy the rooms were like usual.

He wished it could take it back, he should have told Jin in a quiet moment. Gathered some evidence and then told him in a safe place, not dragged him into a bedroom to find his wife decked out in lingerie waiting for sex.

"Chae." Jin entered first, his voice breaking over her name and he couldn't tell what emotion was behind it.

Laying across his gray duvet was Jin's wife, hair loosely curled around her shoulders, black locks brushing the top of her breasts. She was wearing a tiny pink lingerie set that covered less than it showed and she looked completely frozen.

"Jin! Surprise!" She leapt to her knees, long legs curling beneath her, she wasn't convincing the shakiness of her voice giving it all away.

"Surprise? In what fucking universe could this be a pleasant surprise?" Jin sounded harsh, his eyes taking in his lying wife with fierce disgust.

"Mina is on the way over, I thought you might like to join this time?" She was in character now, dropping seductive notes into her words.

Jungkook had to give it to her, she'd seriously thought on her feet. Had he not already told Jin what was happening and instead agreed with her, all she'd need was to get Mina to appear and it would have been a believable story.

"There's no Mina, just you and your apparent obsession with Jungkook." Jin grabbed her wrist, almost comically gentle as he drew her off the bed, showing remarkable restraint.

Jin turned and grabbed her clothes that she'd carefully laid across his chair and tossed them to her. She caught them in her arms then stood frozen, a petulant look on her face. Chae glanced at Jungkook then back at Jin, tears seemingly summoned out of no where.

"The truth is we've been sleeping together for months. He set me up today because I told him we had to stop, that the two of us were talking about starting a family and I regretted what we were doing." She grabbed Jin's sleeve, ugly tears racing down her cheeks, black mascara streaking with it.

"What? We've never slept together!" Jungkook was shocked, what was she doing? He'd not seen this coming, and from the look that shadowed Jin's face it was bad news.

"Why would I lie? Wouldn't I be glad we'd never had sex which means I'd not fully cheated? That I'd only thought about it? That this was the first time I'd pushed past the line of just flirting? Why would I admit more than I'd done?" Chae wrapped her arms around Jin's waist but he shoved her arms down turning on Jungkook.

"You slept with my wife? Then lied?" There was rage in Jin's beautiful features that Jungkook had never seen in all the years he'd known him.

"Hyung!" Jungkook walked back a step, Jin didn't seem like he was about to be nearly as gentle with him as he had been with his wife.

"Shut up. Both of you." Without another word he stormed from the room.

Jungkook tried to chase him but Chae dug her nails into his forearm as he passed. They felt wickedly sharp biting into the skin and he was forced to stop or remove her forcefully.

"I'm not going down alone. Before I even get home every girl you've ever blinked at is going to know you helped me cheat on your best friend." Chae dropped his arm swiping her hands across her cheeks obviously no longer needing their drama. She casually began dressing, stepping into her pants.

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