Seventy Five

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"It'll Be Okay" by Shawn Mendes







"I start to imagine a world where we don't collide"

"The future we dreamed of is fading to black, there's nothing more painful"

"If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy, it'll be okay"

"We don't have to fix it, we don't have to stay, I will love you either way"







Thursday night. You knew all day the text would come, the excuse for why he was coming home late. If you'd not already been deeply in your feelings and crying you might have rolled your eyes. Jungkook was stupid, had to be, because he came home late every night, this was his guilt screaming. That's why he'd sent the text.

You'd stood up and went to his bedroom from where you'd been waiting in the living room. With shaking hands you'd grabbed your backpack from the closet and picked out a few things you'd need for the next couple days. It was always coming to this, that was something you'd been certain of since he'd said he'd met with Mina after you told him it would breach your trust.

Why had you stayed all week even knowing how things would end up then? Did you have no pride left? It was because there was this tiny weak flicker of unrelenting hope that he wouldn't go through with it. All week you'd tried to feel his love, but Jungkook was projecting emptiness.

You knew it was because he was protecting himself, building walls to keep everything contained when the earthquake struck. So you'd avoided him, made yourself busy, took none of his few precious hours a day that he was home. He'd never even tried to change things, hadn't objected when you'd moved back to the guest room. When he cooked he never even asked if you were hungry, but mostly he ate away from the apartment. Not that you were hungry, your stomach stayed so twisted up with dread that felt as if you had swallowed rocks. It was all you could do to remind yourself to eat at all.

That should make this easier though right? Four long days living as strangers. The preamble to the inevitable conclusion that was only hours away. You wandered back to the guest room, you'd not moved your things from Jungkook's room even if you'd removed yourself. Pulling up your phone after settling on the bed, legs drawn up, you checked in with Meera and Aiden.

Meera: Did he text anything else? Isn't it possible he is staying late?

YN: He's always late but isn't it odd that this time he's telling me? He's gone silent, no other messages

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