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Jungkook reached for you and with the very last molecules of restraint you had left you allowed him to take your hand and lead you to the living room. Every fiber of your being wanted to jerk away and scream at him, accuse him of lying about what happened with Mina. You needed a minute to think straight, to decide what any of this really meant.

"Y/N you have to believe me that what I told you is exactly what happened. I came out of shower to the bedroom where she was fully clothed on the bed. There wasn't any lingerie, she wasn't naked. I didn't undress her or leave her panties or bra in my room!" He sounded desperate and it was enough to snap some sense into you.

This was Jungkook, it was Kookie, and you believed his version of events. It would have taken nothing for Mina to stage a damning scene while he was in the shower, then shove the scraps of cloth back into a pocket. You had plenty of pieces that could be concealed just as easily.

"I know, I know, Kookie." You focused on him grabbing his face in your hand until he calmed. Both of you needed to align on the important fact that Mina didn't need to come between you.

His composure didn't happen all at once, he still treated you like you were breakable and might change your mind as he gently lowered you both onto the couch. Feeling the warm leather below your bare legs helped ground you to the moment.

"This will blow over Bunny, Choram's team is all over it. All I care about is that you know I would never cheat on you. I wouldn't have touched her no matter what." When he pulled you against his chest you went willingly, your brain catching up with your heart.

Mina had turned you into a victim for weeks, wandering around this apartment completely disconnected from the one person who loved and cared for you more than anyone. Now she'd equally done the same to Jungkook, and beyond just that was risking his whole career.

"We're fine, don't worry about us, what is Army saying? Oh Kookie I don't think I can handle it if they're saying awful things about you." You leaned into his warmth, his heart was loud, beating furiously where your ear rested against his chest.

"I haven't looked, I just got a text from Jin-hyung asking if I'd seen it. He said he'd already notified Hybe." Jungkook seemed to pull you closer, his body closing around your form, neither of you wanted to face this, how could he?

"We have to look, we have to know what we're up against." You leaned back lifting your phone to your face where you'd forgotten it still dangled from your hand.

For a moment you both silently scrolled, you checked Twitter first, that was usually where the most rapid fans protested or voiced their opinions. 'Fake pictures', 'Edits', 'Fuck Jungkook, cheating on Army', 'Who's the girl?', 'I hate her', 'JK's pc is sleeping outside tonight'. Those weren't the worst of it, there were pictures of girls ripping up posters, crying into camera lens, wailing about not going to the concert but also not reselling their ticket.

"It's not good, but it's not horrible." Jungkook looked up at you, his eyes said it was about as bad as he thought but he was trying to be strong.

"You're allowed to be happy." Your words felt empty, like a promise that was never going to be full filled.

"I'm only allowed to love Army. I'm not allowed to love anyone else. A lot won't forgive me." He sighed and you leaned over seeing he was on his fan account on insta. "Some people are defending me of course, but it won't be enough, the outrage is going to carry over to the concert. I'm sure some are going to boo me when I come on stage."

Jungkook looked dejected, and you wanted to personally fight any fake fan who was trying to pretend they owned him. How could they claim to love him but want him to be alone? Even as a fan you'd considered there would be a day he'd announce a romantic partner or spouse, and while your heart might have clenched for a second, more than anything you'd just hope she or he was good to him. The amount of love and devotion Jungkook had for Army should cancel out anything else. He put his whole life into making sure he was the idol they deserved and wanted.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now