Twenty One

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Jungkook arrived on time to practice, the excitement of the morning meant he'd nearly forgotten when he'd gotten home. He'd been deep into cleaning the already spotless guest room when the beep from his watch told him he should head out. If he'd not set the reminder he probably would have been late, another nail in his BTS coffin.

Jimin was sitting on the floor in the dance studio when he walked in thankfully unimpeded by staff, barefoot and leaned back on his hands, relaxed. Some tension returned to his body when Jungkook walked in. He made eye contact then looked away with a sigh.

"Where's the choreographer?" Jungkook dropped his bag against the wall, careful to be sure his tone was casual.

He'd not seen any of the guys in days so he wasn't sure what Jimin knew, but he also didn't want to offend the only person who hadn't completely shut him out. He'd always been exceptionally close to him, but that didn't seem to be something that mattered anymore.

"I told him to go home today, I thought just the two of us could run through Black Swan and Dynamite. We changed some parts but I think you'll get it pretty quickly." Jimin sounded no different than ever, focused, but maybe a bit tired.

"Thank you." Jungkook didn't expand on the sentiment, acknowledging that Jimin had already danced for six or seven hours and still chose to stay might break him.

Jimin stood and walked over to the control panel where the music and video set up was housed. Jungkook waited thinking he was lining up the track but Jimin pressed a button and the soft whir across from the room told Jungkook he'd shut it off. He turned and returned to his original place on the floor. Jungkook sat on the floor across from him waiting for his hyung to speak again.

"I'm going to tell Jin-hyung about Chae." Jimin said it slowly, his eyes meeting Jungkook's passively, closed off in a way that he couldn't read them.

"What about her?" His heart was starting to beat faster and he wondered exactly what Jimin knew.

"She got into the shower with me at their last pool party, when I wasn't into it she acted like she thought I was Jin-hyung, but I knew she was lying. Before that she tried to grab me through my pants when we were in the backseat of his car." Jimin dropped his head, frustration on his face as it lowered.

"You believe I didn't sleep with her right?" Jungkook's voice broke, if Jimin knew Chae was scandalous then he should be able to see she was a liar too.

"Yeah, I believe you. I think Jin-hyung believes you too, he's just devastated and you fucked him up with that stunt." Jimin lifted his head glaring. "Everyone knows you did that because of that Army girl, you were mad and took it out on him because he sided with Joon-hyung."

"I'm not going to deny that, it's true, I was furious because she's not just 'some Army girl' but it doesn't mean I'm a cheater. I did everything I could to avoid Chae, but I think I should have just told him. I worried he wouldn't believe me and he'd be angry, but this is so much worse." Jungkook laid back on the cool floor, the whole world felt too heavy suddenly, literally driving him to the ground.

"I'm going to take him to my parents for dinner Friday, he's spending two days with me there, when we're alone I'm going to tell him calmly, privately, like you should have done." Jimin had scooted over, and he let his head rest against Jungkook's stomach, it was so comforting to be close to one of them again he felt tears springing to his eyes.

He knew this was Jimin's way of comforting him without letting him off the hook. Telling him he would do his part with Chae, but also giving Jungkook some of the affection he needed. He let his fingers brush through Jimin's hair, slightly stiff with sweat from the long day of dancing.

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