Twenty Five

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Jungkook sat down on the cold tile floor of the shower, he'd not even undressed before stepping in. His black shirt was absorbing the water left over from a couple hours before as he leaned against the wall. He was a fucking asshole, and once again he'd made a monumental mess for himself.

He'd lied to Hyun, he'd not gone to his brother's, had zero intention of doing that. Now he couldn't face Y/N knowing what he'd actually done this afternoon. The worst part was that it hadn't been fair to Mina either, it was clear she was into him and he'd gone and used her again.

Jungkook should add in he was supposed to be trying to make up with Jin-goo, but how could he look in him the eye either knowing he'd slept with his crush again. There was no excuse this time because he was completely aware of his best friend's feelings, couldn't even say he'd forgotten.

In the moment sex with her had been precisely what Jungkook thought he needed. Burying himself in her arms, in her body, had erased thoughts that had made him feel bad about himself. But what happened after Mina's look of sadness when he'd peeled her arm off his waist moments after they'd finished had removed any relief he'd tried to find.

Jungkook had literally been ready to get dressed not even three minutes after his orgasm. What kind of guy did that? Apparently him, he was exactly the type of guy that did that, and he was embarrassed that it had taken so long to look in the mirror and recognize what a prick he was acting like.

Jungkook had been surprised to find Y/N in his room when he returned, but clearly she was just looking at his photographs. She'd not caused any harm, but he knew he'd made her insecure by not reassuring her that she was in a safe space. He'd promised to make his apartment a place she could stay and feel welcome in. Instead he'd run her off, now she was in her room and he'd let her cancel their evening together. He'd needed her to leave his room quickly, because he worried she would question him, or ask how seeing his brother had gone. Jungkook doubted he could have lied convincingly.

He suddenly had the urge to scream or punch something but this was his fault and if he acted out and she heard it she'd feel even more uncomfortable. Jungkook sighed pulling his shirt off and tossed it out of the shower door. The cloth smelled like Mina, his whole body did, that's why he'd needed the shower right away.

Was he really so childish that Y/N turning down his advances turned him into this? She had every right to be hesitant, he wasn't listening to her at all. She'd just spent five months of her life locked away after being accused of trying to kill herself. She'd told him that before that she'd been drinking too much, partying, and spending her money on fake friends. And instead of helping her figure out her next steps he was throwing her on his bed and kissing her?

Yes she'd kissed him first, but he'd run the play on her. What girl wouldn't have fallen into his trap after being tossed on his bed, tickled, and basically seduced? Namjoon and Jin told him all the time he had to behave better than the average guy because he was Jeon Jungkook. What girl wasn't going to swoon a little if he gave them too much attention?

The problem was he loved that power. His younger self was awkward, more adorable than sexy, and he'd not been able to pull a girl's attention at all. Once he'd grown into his looks and learned how to flirt it was too easy, and he could do what he wanted. Jungkook had completely forgotten that came with the responsibility of being a good person.

He stood up undressing and turned on the shower. He couldn't go back in time and erase that he'd just slept with Mina. That was a guilt he'd have to live with and forcing Y/N to hide in her room so he didn't have to face what he'd done was selfish. He'd get showered and fix this, there was still time. He could be a good friend, he could be there for her like no one else had before.

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