Sixty Two

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"Come here Bunny." Jungkook cooed leaning across the pile of clothes on the floor. You almost giggled at how cute he looked but pretended not to notice.

"Why?" You turned back to a pale blue dress that you were pretty sure you'd never gotten dry cleaned after spilling wine on it. You smudged at the splatter of red with a thumb and wondered if it would come out all these months later.

"We've been working for so long and we haven't kissed in an hour." He grinned his hands landing in the mountain of clothes as he crawled over them.

"Not a whole hour!" You dropped the dress and cupped his face as he arrived, his skin smooth beneath your fingers. "How are you surviving Kookie?"

"I'm not. Now that I think about it's been maybe two hours. Kiss me quickly before I pass out." Jungkook's head tilted and he pressed his lips against yours softly, you could feel him grinning into the kiss before he captured your mouth completely.

For several minutes he took your breath away, his hands dragging you against his body, his tongue tasting you. It was hard to think when he kissed you this way, all you could do was be swept away in the moment.

"What will you do while I'm shopping?" You let your finger trace his lip when he finally let you go. Your bodies were still close, as if he was deciding if he was done or not.

"I'm going to have someone come pick up all the stuff you're getting rid of, I'll probably work out. I can keep busy. Maybe I'll go live for Army, just text me when you're headed back." He rolled your body beneath his into the clothing pile, Jungkook's lips finding your neck, it made you moan involuntarily.

"Kookie! Hyun will be here in less than twenty minutes; don't you think that's cutting it a little too close?" You stifled other sounds as his palm pressed down against your lower tummy, his fingers spanning almost to the juncture of your thighs.

"Let me teach you about this thing called a quickie, you've probably never heard of them before, and they're perfect for when time is of the essence." You felt the breath expelled from his chuckle and it's warmth almost had you thinking about giving in.

Jungkook's fingers slid into the waistband of your cotton shorts, two of his fingers brushing the front of your panties. It made you arch upward, want to spread your legs and not care at all how much time was ticking away. But the memory surfaced of how humiliating it was to be continually disrupted by the people in his life. It was enough to make you grab his hand and halt his progress.

"Aren't you tired of being interrupted all the time?" You wiggled and Jungkook finally released you with a pouty sigh, his hand moving upward to rest against your belly.

"What if I go lock the front door? That will buy us a few minutes, and no interruptions." The space he'd created between you was short lived as he pressed his torso against yours again. The way he looked at you had you melting.

"When I asked for her help today, and she didn't have to say yes ?"



"I prefer when you say my name a different way." His tongue licked your earlobe and you shivered, it would be really easy to relent.

"When I get back. I'll show you the lingerie she bought me for our trip I never got to wear." You bit your bottom lip and grinned, his face told you that you'd not helped the situation.

Jungkook groaned adjusting his shorts then sprawled next to you flat on his back in defeat. For a second you thought about straddling his waist and and teasing him with more kisses but wondered if that would backfire and leave you too needy.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now