Twenty Two

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Jungkook insisted on carrying your boxes, the elevator ride quick and quiet. You'd been shocked to see his building as he pulled his expensive car into the garage, but should you have been? He had a lot of money, and had the means to live in the most exclusive areas of Seoul.

"The code is Jin's birthday, we can set up your thumbprint scan later." Jungkook balanced the boxes in one arm while he pressed his thumb to the door handle, the lights turning green.

"Is that necessary?" You held the door while he slipped in first, shifting your boxes back to both arms.

You both stepped out of your shoes and into two of the pairs of slippers he had neatly arranged by the hall table before proceeding. You noticed he had a stack of mail on the table when he dropped his car keys on top.

"Yeah, then if I have to change the code or someone messes with it until it locks you're not shut out." You followed him down the hall, the walls were mostly bare, just a couple of paintings scattered along it's length.

"Did you paint those?" You curiously stopped in front of one, a tall gray shape with what looked like the colors of a sunset behind it.

"No, Yoongi-hyung painted all those. My artworks are in the bedrooms, I have a few Namjoon-hyung painted in the guest bathroom, and a few drawings of Hobi-hyung's in the dining room." Jungkook sounded like an art museum guide, his voice very professional, and when he turned his head and winked you almost giggled.

"Do you have anything created by Tae, Jin or Jimin?" You passed a living room and the dining room kitchen combo and made your way down another hallway past two doors, he stopped halfway and opened the third door.

"This is you. I have pictures of them in the living room, Jimin helped decorate my bedroom, Tae gave me the record player and most of the vinyls. Jin bought most of my furniture." Jungkook's voice caught when he said Jin, and you were sorry for bringing it up.

The room was fairly plain like the other's you'd seen, and you guessed his style choice was clean lines, light and dark color contrasts and simple designs. The bed was dark wood, the blankets and pillows a dark charcoal color. The other furniture matched the bed's wood with the addition of some dark leather accents. It was a spacious room with a beautiful blue and gray rug on the floor.

"It's a very masculine room, sorry." He shrugged and watched as you walked up to one of the paintings, it was a mountain forest, rich greens and dark water below. You thought you might recognize it from Youtube.

"You're talented, I mean Yoongi is too, but I love your work." Jungkook placed your boxes on a leather bench at the end of the bed and walked up next to you.

"Thanks, I wish I had more time to paint, I might work on something with my downtime." He tugged the lid off one box and started removing the albums and walking them to a tall mostly empty bookcase by the closet.

"I can unpack later, how about you give me the tour?" You grabbed Jungkook's arm and smiled, you wanted to see the rest of his space.

He opened the door next to the bookcase and it wasn't a closet like you thought but a bathroom, you poked your head in. It had all the essentials already, toothbrush, toothpaste, face washes and creams. You could see behind the glass shower door bottles on the shelf and loofahs.

"I'll bring some extra towels in for you." He nudged you before turning and you followed him out of the room.

Returning to the doors you'd skipped on your way to your room he stopped and opened the closest one. When he flicked on a light and you both stepped in. It was a work out room, gym equipment along the walls and an open space in the middle with weights and boxing paraphernalia.

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