Fifty Two

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The night market was every bit as much fun as Chin-sun had told you. The five of you had only arrived a short time earlier and had already spent a ton of money on street food alone. Each one of you raving to the others every time you purchased something and then running off to get more.

"Kyujin, where did you get that beef?" Minghao was practically salivating over the meat the security guard was trying to eat balanced on a tiny paper bowl in his hand. He made a vague gesture behind him and Minghao tugged Chin-sun in that direction.

Jungkook had returned with a stack of small boxes and had a drip of yellow sauce on his pale blue YSL shirt which made you shake your head. He was grinning and oblivious to the stain, his eyes sparking in the over head fairy lights that were strung all along the streets.

"Tea eggs, curry fish balls, and cuttlefish!" You took the chopsticks he'd shoved under his arm and then helped him pull down his mask. You lifted your camera and took his picture, the vibrant colors of the market were going to come out beautifully.

"I'll feed you first then you can feed me." You laughed, the sound deep in your stomach as you took charge, his hands were too full to even take a single bite.

All around you the crowds of people poured like a river, streaming into lines for food stalls. There were couples, families, large groups of teens some still in uniform even this late in the evening. The beautiful thing was no one was paying the two of you any mind at all.

Of course Jungkook and Minghao had still worn baggy clothes and hats that came down over their eyes but people didn't seem as nosy here as they did back in Seoul. You opened the top container of food after snapping apart a pair of chopsticks and were greeted with two hard boiled eggs, both of their shells cracked.

You made quick work of peeling the shell away, the egg beneath a gorgeous marbling of the dark tea color it had been steeped in. You lifted it to Jungkook's mouth and he smiled before gently taking half of it in one bite. You ate the remaining bite yourself, the egg flavor enhanced by the earthy tones of a strong black tea. The two of you shared the final egg before you tossed the box into the trash can behind you that indicated cardboard/paper products.

"Save the fish balls for last." Jungkook nodded toward the next box and you lifted it then shuffled it to the bottom.

The new top box opened to contain large pieces of cuttlefish that smelled of salt and soy sauce with a little bit of a yellow sauce squirted on top. You'd never had anything like this dish before and you poked at it a little with your chopsticks before lifting a bite to Jungkook.

"I think he said it was mustard, but he was speaking Mandarin." You both laughed and Jungkook ate the bite nodding. "It's mustard and it's also delicious."

You tried the food and agreed, it reminded you a lot of squid and the sauces made it taste light and refreshing. You picked up one of the pieces and turned placing it on the dish Kyujin was holding. He bowed slightly thanking you, and you turned back to Jungkook expecting him to be jealous but he just opened his mouth for more.

For the next couple minutes you shared the remainder of the cuttlefish standing practically toe to toe. It was quiet and intimate and despite the noise of the crowd and vendors you might have believed it was only the two of you. When the next box was throw away Jungkook handed you the last box and opened it, you guessed it was the fish balls. They smelled strongly of curry and matched the sauce on Jungkook's shirt.

"I'll feed you this time Bunny." His tongue collected some soy sauce on his lip and you blushed, he gave you butterflies even when he was just existing.

Minghao and Chin-sun had returned with a paper bowl that matched Kyujin's with beef. He leaned over to inspect your food while chewing a bit of his own.

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