Sixty Three

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"That's it? You just accept what I said?" Jungkook realized as the words came from his mouth that they sounded as if he was disappointed.

That was not the emotion he was feeling, if anything he felt anger at himself for letting things reach this point. He'd meant the words to be skeptical but there was rising panic in his chest at being caught alone with Mina and knowing it would look like something it wasn't. Jungkook wasn't sure he could handle hurting Y/N that way so soon after she'd trusted him so completely the night before.

"Would you prefer I fight for you? Can you really say you love this girl if that's what you want?" Mina edged closer, his response lighting hope in her dark eyes.

"Mina, I love her. I mean that and I'm not interested in anyone else. You need to go." Jungkook reached out to take her arm so he could walk her to the front door, but she stepped away.

"One thing before I leave. Don't tell Jin-goo we saw each other again, okay? I really did sort of like him, but he won't believe that if he thinks there's something between us." She gave him an imploring look, and for a second he almost balked, but relented.

"He blocked me, I can't tell him any of this anyway." There was the messy fact that it seemed manipulative of her to rebound to Jin-goo just because he wasn't interested. But he'd just have to consider that later when she was gone. The most important thing was getting her away from his apartment, and far from his building.

"I wish we could go back to when we were friends." She sighed but turned toward his bedroom door, Jungkook considered placating her by saying that was a possibility, but he imagined Y/N would have a different perspective on them being friends.

He made a faint sound of agreement but didn't verbally commit to anything as he followed her down the hall and through the kitchen. Jungkook wanted to grab his phone and message Y/N, make sure she wasn't in the elevator or headed upstairs but he realized his phone was still in his closet where he'd left it after tossing his clothes in the hamper post work out.

"Take care of yourself Jungkook." He leaned back stepping to the other side of the entry table as she reached for him. She probably only wanted a hug goodbye, but there was no chance in hell that he was going to allow that. Picking her up to remove her from his bed was more contact that he should have even had with her in the first place.

"You too." She nodded moving closer to the door and with one more glance at him, her brow almost raising curiously she left.

Jungkook sprinted to his room, he'd practically barreled into the wall his slipper-ed feet not holding traction as he turned the corner from the kitchen. Thankfully he steadied himself and kept going. He needed to get his phone and find out if she was close or if he was in the clear.

JJ: Hi Bunny, how's shopping?

His heart was pounding in his chest as he flopped onto the rug in his closet and typed the words with fingers that trembled slightly. He stood when she didn't write back right away and headed back toward his front door. He was going to change the code immediately to something no one could possibly guess. Mina or even Chae would be smart enough to try the birth dates of the other members knowing he'd used Jin's in the past.

Tapping the keypad, he quickly picked another pass code, a number that meant something to him but wouldn't to anyone else. Jungkook silently berated himself for not doing this the very day Chae had torn from his apartment. Did he really think they wouldn't try something else? Honestly, he wasn't sure, Mina had seemed mostly convincing before she left. Something just wouldn't let Jungkook be confident that both of them were capable of leaving him alone. Only his phone vibrating in his pocket made temporarily let it go to read the words.

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