Forty Three

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"Wake up sleepy Bunny." Jungkook kissed your temple where your head had fallen against his shoulder.

You sat up with a yawn and stretched, loving the popping feeling in your shoulders and back that had grown stiff during the flight. He leaned away dodging your hand that was about to smack him in the head.

"Sorry!" You laughed still sleepy and let your head drop to his shoulder again. "Will I have to meet you at the hotel?"

"No, there's a private exit from the terminal, the whole group will just go together. As long as we don't walk side by side or touch even if a very crafty paparazzi gets a photo it won't look like anything juicy."

His arms had wound around your body and it was almost as if he didn't want to let you go. You felt the same, but all too soon he was drawing away as a staff came over. You tuned out the conversation, details about the hotel, logistics and other babble that made you feel even more tired.

You pulled up your phone, the plane was still taxiing toward the terminal, but you turned your airplane mode off. You noticed you'd missed some messages from Aiden and Meera and you felt a little sad that you still couldn't be honest with them. You made a quick mental note to ask Jungkook about it tomorrow, see if Choram was any closer to securing NDAs for them.

Aiden: Omg did you see this morning Yoongi went to LA? Man looked hot in that gray jacket

Meera: I love when he waves

Aiden: You mean you love his hands

Meera: Who doesn't?

Aiden: I can't wait to find out his next collab, omg what if it's Drake?

Meera: I would die! I really think he would be amazing with Kendrick Lamar too, wait what about Tory Lanez?

Aiden: Doesn't matter, I'd probably listen even if he smashed the keys on a piano for two hours and put a drum beat

Meera: Wait, didn't JK leave a few hours ago to visit The8 in China, how flipping cute are the 97 liners? Do you think any of the others will be there? Do you think they are collaborating on something??

Aiden: I heard Jimin is traveling tomorrow, too bad it's not to my room

Meera: You wish hehe

Aiden: What's up with this sudden vacation anyway? I could have sworn Big Hit was going to announce a tour, I've been saving all my cash

Meera: Down time before all that prep maybe?

You sighed, of course they'd know the movement of the guys. It certainly hadn't taken Yoongi long to do "whatever the fuck" he wanted, which was LA apparently. You admittedly were curious who he might be working with.

"Why did Yoongi go to LA?" You asked as soon as the staffer walked away.

"He's got a bunch of people he's collaborating with, most of them are American rappers and artists." Jungkook rolled his eyes, he didn't seem pleased with the information. If anything he seemed upset about it which made you confused. You bit your tongue instead of asking him who the rappers might be that he was meeting.

"Why does it upset you Kookie?" You said it gently trying not to sound as dismissive as the words could imply.

"Why does he need to go outside our group? There's enough talent in Korea if he had to without completely leaving us entirely." His face was pinched, worry and stress becoming apparently at your question.

"Why shouldn't he? Does him working with other artists impact the music he makes for BTS?" You watched Jungkook's face change, he clearly didn't like what you were saying. You braced yourself for his sharp reply.

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