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"Thirsty" by Taemin







"My breathing becomes harder, my heartbeat becomes faster"

"You're a moon too beautiful to just look at"

"I know there's no need to rush, but I'm nervous"

"I'm still thirsty for your love"







Jungkook grabbed your hand before you could take a step toward your room. Your heart was beating too fast at what you'd said. In the moment you'd felt bold but now you wondered if you could really do this game you'd promised.

"You're not mad Bunny? You're not going to yell at me?" Jungkook's thumb brushed down your palm and he looked confused.

"Kookie, I'm never going to yell at you." You hugged him, and he seemed to relax for the first time all evening dragging you closer, his nose against your hair.

"But you're mad?" He sighed and you decided to tell the truth.

"I'm not an object. I didn't appreciate being treated like one, but even more than that I didn't like the feeling of you spying on me. Dongwo took away all my privacy I don't like you doing it either." You kept your voice calm as you tilted your head back to meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you, the thought made me crazy." Jungkook's fingers cupped your cheeks and you could feel where he was coming from even if you couldn't support the behavior.

"What you did was wrong on so many levels. It was disrespectful to me, to Jimin, to yourself. Outside of that the bottom line is if you think someone is capable of cheating, just let them go, you shouldn't want to keep them. No one is worth acting like that. You can't ever do that again." You held his chin in your fingers, and said the words firmly but compassionately.

You saw them register on his face, a mixture of regret and humiliation but you didn't comfort him. You could tell he was thinking of how to respond, you guessed he was trying to justify what he'd done.

"I didn't think you'd cheat. I thought Jong Dae was going to cross the line." You could tell the way he said your friend's name he still didn't trust him.

"I'm in charge of myself Kookie. I'm in charge of my interactions with my friends. Not you. I don't need to trust Mina, I trust that you won't cross the line and will make boundaries with her. Do you understand that?" You interlocked your fingers with his and softened your tone.

"I won't do that again. I'm sorry, that was messed up of me." Jungkook finally sighed and you knew it had sunk in, so you consoled him by hugging him tightly.

"Do you forgive me?" He looked so hopeful you nodded.

"Go quadruple lock the front door, then get ready for bed." You stepped back and pointed toward the hallway with a small smile.

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