Seventy Eight

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Jungkook had been driving to Busan to surprise his mother for the weekend for only thirty minutes when Hyun called him. He knew it must be important, but because Jung Hyun had decided to join him he wasn't sure he wanted to answer in front of his brother.

"Are you ignoring that on purpose?" Jung Hyun rolled his eyes and turned in the seat to push Bam back, the excited pup was sticking his nose between the seats again. Song and Paeng were placidly relaxing on the back seat, uninterested in anything but sleeping unlike their younger brother.

"Yeah, it could be really personal or embarrassing." Jungkook shrugged trying to keep things light but his heart had starting beating faster making him grip the wheel harder.

"I won't listen, answer before you have a heart attack. I can tell it's driving you crazy." His brother rolled his eyes and stared at his phone screen.

"Answer." Jungkook directed his phone assistant and braced himself.

"Where are you?" Hyun sounded bothered, maybe everything was fine, she often sounded put out by his requests. It had never bothered him in the past but this time he felt uneasy.

"Driving to my parents, Jung Hyun-hyung is in the car." He warned her and could hear her pause, but then she must have decided it was serious.

"Y/N's eomma wouldn't accept the boxes. They're back at your apartment." He breathed a sigh of relief.

Jungkook wasn't surprised, he'd wondered if she'd even asked her mother about keeping her things. That woman was opportunistic and he guessed she was already calculating the money he didn't owe her now that her daughter moved out ahead of the six month agreement. Petty at its finest. For a split second he wondered if Soo-ah was going to tell Y/N about the financial agreement, he hoped not.

"Fine, did you let Y/N know I will keep everything until she moves back to Seoul?" His stomach felt sick, talking about this like it wasn't a knife in his chest was awful, he glanced at his brother, still dutifully pretending he was oblivious.

Jungkook had to downplay how he felt, he didn't want his brother to know how badly he was doing, he'd not really told him much about their relationship. He also hadn't planned on telling his parents, they'd feel sorry for him and he had enough people that pitied him.

"Well it's what she said about why she's not taking the belongings that's bothering me." Jungkook realized Hyun wasn't irritated, she was worried. His anxiety shot upward and he felt sweat breaking out on his face and back making his T-shirt feel sticky. He pressed the AC button on the dash with a frown.

"What did she say? Why are you dragging this out?" He snapped at her his tone too sharp and could feel his brother staring at him, no longer interested in his phone.

"She told the mover that Y/N left Tuesday and never came back, called her ungrateful." Hyun's voice cracked, he felt the same dread dropping bricks into his stomach.

"That doesn't make sense." Jungkook's mouth felt dry, it was hard to form the words, his brain a frenzy trying to process the information it was provided while trying to keep driving.

"I know but I double checked with the other mover and he said the same thing. What's worse is I messaged her and it says the number is no longer in service." Hyun was definitely crying, either panicked at Jungkook losing his cool or truly concerned for Y/N, he suspected the latter.

"Why would she have been at her eomma's at all? She said she was staying with Eunha until Saturday then being picked up by her aunt." Jungkook took the exit and pulled off into the gravel out of the way of other cars. His hands were shaking too badly to keep driving, what had she gotten herself into?

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