Seventy Seven

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Jungkook had almost finished cooking breakfast when Hyun let herself in at six am. It was Jimin's turn to babysit him, he'd come home with him after practice the night before and had stayed the night. He was setting the table and automatically went to the cabinet to get an extra plate.

Jungkook had finally given up on preserving the guest room, the sheets smelled nothing like her anymore. Jin had slept on the couch in the living room the first day, Namjoon the couch in his room the second. Last night Jimin had helped him change the sheets in the guest room, and he'd slept there. Jungkook wondered who would come home with him tonight.

"Join us, I'm sure Jungkookie made too much anyway." Jimin smiled, always warm with everyone and placed the table setting on the counter. That was Jimin, always caring, always sweet and patient. He was never impulsive or hurtful, he wouldn't have ruined everything.

"I should probably tell him why I'm here, he might not want me to stay after that." Her words made Jungkook pause from where he was stirring some tomatoes into the eggs and turn to look at her.

"Just say it."

"She text me this morning, she wants her stuff." Jungkook felt slapped, he'd known this was going to happen, sooner than later but he wasn't ready.

Just this morning he'd held her hoodie against his cheek while he stood in the closet. The closet, not his closet, not their closet, just a closet. The apartment. Not his, not theirs. The bed, that was a big one, had it really been so brief that they'd shared it?

"How is she?" He decided to pretend the request didn't bother him, even though it felt like hands creeping up his back and sliding around his neck.

"I don't know, I didn't ask her." Hyun sighed and sat at the counter, he turned back to the stove chopping at a piece of tomato to soften it.

"How quickly does she need it? Are we shipping everything to Daegu or is someone picking it up? If she wants just have a courier drive it." More chopping, it was too aggressive and loud, it would give away his emotions so he stirred gently instead.

"Well, that's the thing, it's not going to Daegu, she asked me to send everything to her eomma's house. She said her sungmo is moving back to Seoul soon and she'd rather not move her things multiple times."

"Moving how soon?" Jungkook turned as Jimin spoke, he looked confused, Jungkook was feeling the same.

"A couple months? I think." Hyun pulled out her phone to check the message again.

"She just won't need anything for that long? She literally took a single backpack with her, not even a suitcase." Jungkook abandoned the eggs walking over to look at Hyun's screen. Jimin hurried to the stove taking over.

Hyun had remembered correctly, it said two months. He also noted Hyun had responded positively but hadn't followed up with anything. Was that weird? Did she suddenly not care about Y/N?

"I guess I don't need to send anything right away. I want to pack it, you're off the hook." Jungkook said it more harshly than he intended, but somehow he'd hope Hyun could be a connection between the two of them. Keep him even the tiniest bit informed about what was happening with her.

"Don't take too long, it might be easier if you clear them out." She rested her hand on his arm and he flinched away.

"Yeah, thanks."

Breakfast had gone quickly after that, everyone eating silently and then he asked her to have packing boxes delivered by the time he got home. Jungkook wasn't sure if he would be able to start right away, but at least seeing them would help him adjust to the reality that the weekend apart hadn't changed her mind. Had he thought it would? Maybe.

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