Eighty Five

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🖤Press Play🖤

"Better" by SYML







"You were unexpected, got me spiritual
I don't wanna say it, but maybe it was fate"

"Believe me when I say this, I was giving up
But now you come and save me"

"It's a love that will keep me holding on
And I know and I know we only get better"







Jungkook was nervous, Namjoon glared at him again and nudged him forward with a laugh clearly teasing. Had it really only been twenty minutes since they'd come into this stifling hot room? Yoongi relaxed on the desk, kicking his feet with a smirk, he would think this was funny. The other four of them messed with their phones standing around the small space, all of them were dressed in dark suits like his own.

"Could you stop pacing and sit down?" Taehyung turned away but Jungkook thought he caught a smile before he looked back down to his phone.

"We're not letting you change your mind." Jin shifted from his position against the wall until his broad shoulders blocked Jungkook's path.

"I'm not changing my mind. It's just not something I planned on doing." He wondered how the six of them could just act like everything was normal? Didn't this impact them too?

"Bang is taking his sweet time." Jimin teased and Hobi folded forward in laughter, Jungkook didn't laugh, was he sweating?

"I should have brought whiskey for shots." Yoongi frowned. "I could run downstairs to the studio and grab some."

"I think we should do this sober." Namjoon the voice of reason, and Jungkook agreed, alcohol wasn't going to make him feel better. He just wanted things to get moving.

"They're ready!" Meera poked her head into the office and grinned, she was wearing a fancy pink dress and a wide smile. Aiden peaked over her shoulder but Jungkook was pretty sure he was staring at Namjoon who was at least a foot taller than him.

The seven of them followed Y/N's friends down the familiar hallway of Hybe to their practice room. It was covered in white and pink flowers, and swaths of white silk cloth draped around the walls. Bang PD stood at the top of a makeshift aisle grinning like a proud father. Jungkook thought it had been a long time since he'd received a smile from him.

Jungkook took his place next to Bang and then his six best friends lined up at this side. He could see his family smiling, his actual father already crying from their seats by the mirrors, it started to choke him up. Jong Hyun nudged him and his father waved him away. His mother beamed and squeezed her husband's hand on one side, his grandpa on the other.

Aiden and Meera stood on her side, and Junnie her little brother, who he'd only met this morning. He looked so much like her, he'd wished he'd been there when they'd reunited. Her aunt and uncle were also sitting in front of the mirrors along with Jong Dae, Eunha and Sangwon next to them. The only other guests were Hyun, Minghao, Chin-sun and Sujin.

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