Forty Eight ➳

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Jungkook stared at you for a full thirty seconds before pulling his phone from his pants pocket. With his other hand he traced his fingertip across your jaw, his face softening at the last second before he placed it in your outstretched hand.

"I guess you want it unlocked too?" He gently took it back and making sure the camera didn't see his face he said his passcode out loud with each tap. "Three, eight, two, eight, one, eight." His tone was light, not petty or sarcastic like you'd been with him all day.

The phone lit up on his home screen, a generic ocean background and he locked it again placing it back in your hand. You replicated the passcode he'd just given you, noting his lock screen was a picture of Bam, and it unlocked once more giving you access to the depths of everything you believed him to be concealing. You glanced at his face and it was passive, his eyes a little more kind than they'd been at the beginning of the conversation. Try as you might you couldn't find anything that indicated he was worried or concerned, or even disappointed in you.

"Is this going to ruin everything? Are you going to hate me if I do this?" You paused, remembering how you'd felt in the shower when your phone was in his possession. How you'd wanted him to trust you but at the same time knew you would feel violated if he dug through your life.

"No Bunny, there's nothing I won't do to make sure you know how much I want to be with you. It's a phone, it's not my whole life. I don't want to hide anything from you." His words gave you pause, you had this feeling you were about to feel like a monumental asshole.

You wanted to explain, tell him why you had to look, to justify your actions but instead you just flipped to his contacts. Lee Eunjae was there, the first name you'd intended to seek out but when you clicked on her the contact showed blocked caller. You checked Myoi Mina, also blocked. You checked every famous female name you saw that you recognized, not surprised to find so many but almost every single one was blocked like the others.

Jungkook didn't stop you, he just watched his screen as you changed tactics and flipped to his messages. You scrolled down and couldn't seem to find any with anyone that would raise suspicions. The few conversations with female idols were blandly platonic, congratulating them for a release, asking about their day, very casual and not at all flirtatious. Nothing you'd not said to any of your male friends in the past. The other women contained within the texts appeared to be female staff members.

You were confused to find nothing untoward but also embarrassed. All day you'd been thinking the worst of him, that he still received messages from all the women he'd hooked up with when in fact he'd blocked them. He'd not known you were going to ask for his phone so it wasn't as if he could have done all this for show.

The last thing you pulled up, even though your stomach was knotted with guilt was his pictures. You were shocked to find his most recent were of you. Sneaky shots of you enjoying the scenery, drinking water, smiling at something someone said. You looked almost as if you weren't behaving like the total bitch you knew the pictures weren't capturing.

"I love you Bunny." Jungkook smiled when you lowered the phone to the bed and you felt like crying. "The day you agreed to be my girlfriend I blocked every single girl in my phone I'd ever even flirted with. I don't think about them."

"You did that for me?" He was definitely making you feel even worse for your bad attitude. Why hadn't you just asked him instead of letting everything spiral out of control so terribly?

"I guess I just did it because I don't ever want you to see my phone and feel betrayed. Especially when I caused that emotion for Jin. I saw what cheating did to one of my best friends and I wouldn't want anyone to think that of me. If I hurt you that way I couldn't forgive myself, let alone expect you to forgive me."

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