Eighty One

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Before his flight had even left the gate Jungkook had fallen asleep, his emotions mixed with the long day of travel already had him exhausted. He dreamed of her stepfather again, only this time the man had the face of one of the managers. He woke with his heart beating too fast and his security guard looking at him with concern.

"They're about to serve breakfast." Jungkook nodded acknowledging the statement but turned toward the window. His dream likely only meant the managers were going to be really mad when they found out he was gone. Why was he feeling so much dread about a man he'd never met?

His guilt at what Namjoon might be dealing with on his behalf stole his appetite. The tray with an omelette and various side dishes looked appetizing but turned to tasteless mush on his tongue. He ended up picking at it until it was too cold to remotely enjoy and a flight attendant removed it at his request.

Food gone he finally pulled out his phone, the WiFi working better than he'd expected. He always paid the fee, even if he didn't intend to use his phone, there was comfort in knowing he could be connected on such long flights. There was already a long list of missed notifications but he mentally prioritized before he clicked.

KN: Don't respond to the managers, I'm handling it, but this better be worth it Jungkookie, Bang is pissed

Jungkook's hands trembled slightly, what could he even say to that? What made it worth it to him might not be the same definition to Namjoon. Just seeing her, letting her know he came when she needed him, he didn't fuck up again was enough. Would Namjoon need actions and results to feel the same?

JJ: Thank you, I'll message as soon as I know anything

He quickly hid all the messages from managers, just glancing at one let him know they were furious. They were probably already trying to figure out a way to intercept him at Incheon before he could get a car to Busan and bring him back. It wasn't like he didn't know he was letting everyone down, the issue was he'd chosen BTS over her once, he couldn't do it again. Not for some interviews and a recording session, which he could do back home in Seoul with Yoongi with no issues. All they needed to do was say he was sick and give him a few days to figure things out.

"If the managers tell you to put me back on a plane to NYC are you going to do it?" Jungkook nudged the huge security guard at his side who was reading a book.

"No, that's kidnapping." He raised a brow and smirked but Jungkook believed he was telling the truth.

He skipped over the messages from the PAs and found one from Choram. He'd asked her to arrange visitation by the time he got to Busan. He'd given her all the information that Jong Dae had given him and hoped it would be enough.

YC: I have an interesting update about Y/N. She says she won't see you, she only wants to see your eomma

Jungkook was shocked, but more than that, he was utterly confused. It felt like he'd been doused with a bucket of ice water, he just couldn't understand. Y/N had never met his mother, they'd only spoken about her a couple of times maybe? What could she want to talk about with her that she couldn't with him? He read the message again, slowly, one word at a time convinced he must have mistook the meaning.

JJ: Please tell me she said why?

Choram's response didn't come back right away. He mentally calculated the hour in Seoul and realized it must be late and guessed he might not hear back for a while.

Jungkook doubted Y/N had given a reason, Choram would have just included that in the message. 'She only wants to see your eomma and discuss xzy', instead of playing guessing games and forcing him to ask for the details. Because he didn't have any his mind started making them up.

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