Thirty Five ➳

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By nine you were a mess, but desperately trying to keep your emotions in check. This was where Jungkook lived, it wasn't like he'd never come back. He had to come back eventually. Unless he also thought this was all your fault and was staying away hoping you'd leave.

You'd gotten tired of waiting and had heated up some leftovers over an hour ago. It wasn't that you felt like eating, your stomach just wouldn't stop rumbling. Now you were perched at the counter on a stool having horrible thoughts while pretending to scroll through your phone. It didn't help that the reheated noodles had sunk into your stomach like a rock.

You wanted to message Meera and Aiden, have them talk you down from your emotional mess like they always did but you couldn't. You'd been locked into a NDA that meant you couldn't mention Jungkook or BTS at all. Even if you had been close to Jong Dae, you couldn't seek counsel from him either, although it would be easier to hide Jungkook's identity if you spoke vaguely.

It was probably because you couldn't talk out your emotions that they were getting the better of you. You knew it wasn't fair, but it occurred to you that Jungkook might have gone to see Mina, or another girl. He certainly wasn't going to be able to blow off steam with you. Your heart was fighting with your brain over that thought. You'd talked about that scenario, and he'd sworn he'd never do anything like it again.

But then why was he reading your messages and not responding? Guilt that he was rolling around in someone's bed because he couldn't face what had happened at Hybe? If having meaningless sex was his sure fire remedy for fixing frustration, no way he'd come home to you.

You almost fell backwards off the stool when the door slammed open bouncing against the wall loudly. Something about the erratic sound of footsteps told you Jungkook wasn't going to be his usual self when he came around the corner into the kitchen. The racket was markedly more noisy than it should have been for his singular entrance.

"Bunny." Not a question, not even a statement really, Jungkook strode toward you and picked you up off the stool his fingers digging into your thighs.

"You're drunk!" You could smell the soju and wine on his breath making you turn your face away from him as the scent wafted toward you thickly.

"Nope." Was his response as you yelped when he started toward his bedroom.

You wiggled backward trying to get your feet back to the floor but his hands firmly held you under your ass against his waist. Something inside you that you'd pushed down jostled free, the hard feeling of his forearms holding you securely, the way his cheek nuzzled against your neck. The senses were overwhelming even if you were completely confused about how you felt about them.

"You should put me down before you drop me. Where were you?" You knew your voice was becoming a little shrill, but he'd come home drunk four hours late without any explanation and now he was carrying you unceremoniously to his bedroom.

Did he think you were going to have sex with him after all? That if he just showed up and got you onto his bed your resistance would fade? Certainly Jungkook wasn't capable of disregarding your feelings so easily, but before you could even prepare yourself he dropped you onto the surface of his tall mattress. He'd not answered your question, didn't even look like he'd heard it.

"Sleep this off Kookie, you're not thinking." You pushed down the panic, you didn't think he was actually going to try to force you.

You scrambled across the bed as he climbed onto it after you, kneeling at the edge. You squeaked when he paused, fingers gripping the hem of his shirt. You could see his eyes, slightly blood shot, even in his dark irises you could tell his pupils were intensely dilated.

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