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Jungkook was sweating, beyond just the strain from the vigorous dance practice. His heart was beating too hard and he was worried he didn't have the courage to bring up the court case to the guys.

Everyone was taking a break, water bottles emptying, bodies sprawled on the floor. He knew it was now or never, if the bravery didn't appear in this moment it wouldn't. Whatever happened he had to accept the outcome, he'd figure out all the way to plan z if necessary.

"Can I ask everyone a question?" He stretched his legs out in front of him, reaching for his ankles. He was a statue of casualness, stretching and unbothered.

"What is it Kook?" Jin said it warmly and he felt their eyes on him as he sat up letting his hands drop to his sides.

"What if I wanted to help someone out of a bad situation? Like they were abused by their family and needed my support?" He forced himself to scoot back so he could make eye contact with them all.

Everyone said Jeon Jungkook was fearless, but when he had to face down the guys his stomach knotted miserably. When had this happened? He remembered when they practically raised him, showed up for every school event, packed his lunch, took him to basketball games. He used to tell Joonie everything, sleep in Hobi's bed when he was nervous, learn to cook at Jin's side.

Now they barely spoke if it wasn't BTS business. Jimin went home to his parents most weekends, Yoongi produced music for anyone who asked and never took a day off, Hobi started a dance school, and of course Joonie only cared for Sujin and their unborn baby.

"What do you mean by help?" Yoongi raised a brow, he looked bored already, his mind probably racing back to the genius lab and some unfinished song.

"They need to file a court case to have their situation reviewed, but they can't do it on their own. What if I asked Hybe lawyers to help?" Jungkook saw their faces tightening, Joon, Hobi, Jin, and Yoongi understood immediately.

"And anyone who looked into it would know you're involved, that Hybe is involved?" Jin raised a brow, the rest frowned deeply.

"You better just start at the beginning." Joon crossed his arms his frown deepening in a way that made Jungkook wished he'd already thought of something else.

"I was reading some fanmail and I got a letter from a girl who's parents have her locked up in a mental ward but she's not crazy! Her stepfather is trying to steal her trust fund-,"

"What?" Hobi cut him off, and the look on everyone's face said maybe the crazy person was himself.

"I wrote her back, I believe her. Someone set her up and got her locked up at Dongo Mental Health Resort. She's been there five months already. I asked Yun Choram to look into it and she agrees we should help." Jungkook was scrambling watching the judgement cross their faces.

"Why would you get involved like this? What if Dispatch or another news outlet finds out?" Joon was raising his voice, arms gesticulating wildly.

"Y/N is not crazy, she needs my help." He stood, anger bubbling up in him.

"She's not your responsibility, you'll ruin everything we've built with your silly little knight in shining armor game." Joon stood too and his mocking words cut more than they should.

"When did you stop caring about Army? Where did the leader of BTS go? Because all I see anymore is this selfish asshole who'd rather be anywhere else." Jungkook closed the distance aggressively, somewhere in the back of his head he wondered how things had escalated so quickly.

"Everyone calm down!" Jin said it loudly stopping Jungkook in his tracks. "Joon back off, the kid isn't wrong, everyone knows your miserable and we're all just waiting for you to blow up. But Kook you're not right either, you've gotten into something you should have left alone."

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