Fifty Four

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"What if I'm not hungry anymore?" You raised a brow sitting at the counter on one of the tall stools while Jungkook arranged the boxes of food. It looked like he'd bought noodles but you could smell beef too.

"You need to eat Bunny, I'm not listening to any excuses." He poured water into two glasses and grinned, it was a sexy mysterious emotion across his face that sent butterflies into your tummy, lower actually.

"What if we just ate afterward?" You shoved the boxes away from you with a raised brow, did you really think you could control this situation? You were certainly going to try.

"What did I just say? Besides you're going to be far too tired to do anything when we're done." A bowl make a small clatter against the counter top as Jungkook placed it before you, it was already full of steaming rice. He had his own challenging look and it made you know in an instant you weren't going to win.

"Tired from what?" You let your tongue tease along your bottom lip before you caught it with your teeth. Jungkook watched, intrigued, you thought you might actually be winning.

"Painting. You're so good at photography, but I'm really good at painting." The way he said it shot an ache between your legs, you didn't want to eat, you wanted to play. You knew in an instant he wasn't really talking about the painting he'd done on camera for Army. This would be a much more private show and you wanted to get to it as quickly as possible.

"I ate on the bus home. I bo-,"

"The what? You ate where?" All the teasing was gone, he looked absolutely horrified at what you'd said and you sighed watching him shove the pitcher of water onto the counter and grab for his phone.

"I took the bus, I ordered a taxi twice and the drivers kept canceling the trip so I gave up." You stabbed your chopsticks into the rice and took a bite, no longer interested in the flirting. The moment was gone anyway, he'd already had his cell in his hand and was texting someone.

"What are you doing?" You reached for his arm but Jungkook pulled away and sat across from you at the counter.

"I want Hyun to find out what happened, why your car didn't show up." He was talking to you while at the same time ignoring you, tapping his phone. You could see his agitation growing and you leaned over touching his wrist delicately.

"Let's eat Koo. I'm a normal person, I can ride the bus." You sighed but he finally put the phone down and looked at you.

"You had so much stuff with you, so many things to carry, what if someone tried to rob you? What if you'd tripped or fallen? The airport is always a mad house after I go through, it should have been handled, there's endless staff, there's no reason any of that should have happened. My girlfriend shouldn't have had to take a bus home. They'd never have done that to Sujin." You saw him pause before he could name Jin's wife, ex wife? You weren't sure what to call her anymore.

"Next time things will be better." You picked up your chopsticks and started digging into the food, the smells of the boxes finally igniting hunger.

"You mean you'd be willing to travel with me again after this nightmare?" Hunger must have gotten the better of his anger because Jungkook was digging into the noodles.

"Kookie I'd follow you anywhere." You smiled meaning it, even with the chaos and sometimes weird feelings you'd experienced being in public with him, you honestly couldn't imagine leaving him.

"To Brazil?" Jungkook abandoned the carton of noodles leaning forward on his elbows a grin spreading across his handsome face.

"Yes, of course."


"Straight into a pyramid."

"What if we get cursed?" A laugh, his eyes were so bright.

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