Seventy Two

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"The two of you can get settled in there, if you need anything I'll be in the living room a while." Jimin smiled softly motioning to the open door off the hallway. "The bathroom is right here across the hall; my room is two doors up."

You knew he was saying everything for your benefit, doubtful that Jungkook wouldn't know the layout of his friend's house. You nodded but before he could walk away you gently grabbed his arm making him pause.

"I'm so sorry you had to clean up the bathroom, I kind of lost my cool back there, thank you." You were bright red, humiliating in a whole additional way that Park Jimin had wiped up your vomit.

"Don't even mention it, I've been surrounded by six guys for over ten years, I've cleaned up a lot of messes that were hundreds of times worse than that. I just hope you're feeling better, do you need any medicine?" Worry showed on his face, and he glanced at Jungkook who stood beside you his arm holding you protectively against his body.

"I think I just want to sleep. I hope we're not interrupting your Saturday night plans." You reached for the bag Jungkook had packed for you before you'd left the apartment and motioned toward the bathroom.

"Of course not, don't let my online persona fool you, I'm incredibly boring and I almost never go anywhere. I was going to drink a few beers, watching TV and try not to order food in the middle of the night." Jimin's smile was charming, and you bowed before turning toward the bathroom.

"Has Nayeon been here recently?" You heard Jungkook ask Jimin, and you turned to hear the answer before going through the doorway. You knew she was in Twice with Mina but weren't sure if they knew something you didn't.

"She's never been in my apartment, but I don't think she's involved anyway. Joy was here a week ago, but I sincerely doubt she'd stoop to the level of blackmail." Jimin looked over at you reassuringly, and you hoped he was right.

"Since when do you have a thing with Joy?" Jungkook frowned and you closed yourself in the bathroom, not wanting to find out if it was an innocent question or because he'd had a fling with her too.

You sat down on the closed toilet and sighed pressing your fingers against your eyes. How had everything spun out of control so grossly? What kind of person was Mina that she'd stoop to these levels? For what? She couldn't possibly think Jungkook could have a meaningful relationship with her after all that. 

You wanted to shower, to wash away the feeling of disgust but you also wanted to just curl up in bed, the two emotions fighting inside you. You decided to just wash your face and brush your teeth again. You were done within a few minutes and when you let yourself back out into the hallway they weren't talking anymore. You could see Jungkook in the bedroom sitting on the bed looking at his phone and could hear the TV quietly projecting it's sound from the living room.

"Have you heard anything from Namjoon about the apartment?" You dropped your bag on the floor in front of the bed and watched as Jungkook dropped his hand to his lap, almost suspiciously.

"So far they haven't found anything, but they've only checked the gym, and guest suite. There's a lot of ground to cover still." He shrugged and bent to pick up your bag, you could guess it being tossed on the floor irritated his sense of everything in its place.

"Leave it. Was that Namjoon you were messaging?" You knelt and opened the bag pulling out pajamas and turned your back stripping. Partially because you didn't want to see his face when he lied and partially because it felt awkward being undressed knowing all of Korea and half the world could see the same thing soon.

"No." Jungkook's fingers brushed your bare shoulder and when you pulled his t-shirt down over your head, he helped tug it into place.

You were shocked, you'd been so certain he would lie or deflect. But Jungkook didn't lie to you, even when the truth was hurtful so why had you expected him to this time?

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