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You'd put off reading all your messages and emails long enough, the irritation creeping up your shoulders when you settled on the couch to start. Technically this wasn't what you'd promised Jungkook, reviewing what you'd missed the last five months could upset you. Who were you kidding? It was definitely going to upset you.

You started to open a message from a girl you always partied with when you heard the front door, you dropped your phone to your lap turning toward the hallway. You could have laughed at yourself, allowing yourself to be instantly distracted told you just how much you wanted to delete everything. You knew it would be Hyun, likely bringing the things Jungkook mentioned, you didn't need to give her your immediate attention.

"I feel like I should start knocking or texting first." She came around the corner balancing several bags in her hands. When you stood to help she shook her head and managed to place them on the counter without assistance.

"It's just me, he's at dance practice."

You couldn't help but slightly smile, the two of you had been kissing just forty five minutes ago. If she'd arrived earlier she might have seen you practically sprint from his room. That brought some anxiety back, definitely not what Jungkook would want. You'd think about your comment to him before you'd bailed later.

For a few minutes you watched as she unloaded the bags, placing chips, crackers, and various drinks onto the counter. She wandered around putting them away, her ease in Jungkook's space obvious. Hyun knew where everything went and you quietly watched trying to memorize her movements. You knew he liked order and the last thing you wanted was the take away from it.

"I have good news and bad news." She said it finally turning her eyes to you as the last box of snacks disappeared into a pantry by the fridge.

"For me?" You swallowed, anxiety racing up your back, you really hated when someone threw out something like that and didn't immediately tell you what they meant.

"I heard from your eomma, and the good news is all of your belongings arrived to Hybe and they're sending them over. Everything should be here in about an hour. The bad news is that she did not agree to return your dog." Hyun spoke quickly, possibly picking up on your unease she ripped the band aid off without the forced 'which do you want first' spiel.

"Do you know why?" Your stomach clenched in sadness, you'd let her keep all of your clothes, jewelry, and other possessions if she just let you have Dal. You stood from the couch joining Hyun at the counter, sitting felt all wrong.

"You'll have to call Choram, I asked if they had your pup and they said she told them he wasn't coming. That's all I know." She said it with sympathy, but all kinds of worries were overwhelming you.

Had something happened to Dal? Had he gotten sick or run away? Did your monster of a mother or stepfather decide they didn't want to care for him anymore and they gave him away? You could feel the endless possibilities making you want to start crying, or worse panic. Were you ever going to see him again?

"Hey! Y/N, it's alright let's just call Choram, don't speculate, you'll be wrong and wasting all this emotion for nothing." Hyun shook you gently, it broke your train of thought and you finally made eye contact with her.

"I don't have her number, only Kookie has it." You wrung your hands, maybe you should just go over there?

"Text Jungkook and he can message her." You turned toward the couch to collect your phone at her words. You'd do that first, going to your mother's house was a bad idea, you definitely weren't ready to see her. She'd not even stuck around to tell you she'd signed you away to Jungkook, you couldn't imagine how awkward just showing up would be.

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