Fifty Three

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You settled into your economy class seat on the plane, shoving your backpack under the seat in front of you. At least you had the window and the person next to you seemed polite enough. Because it had been last minute you and Jungkook weren't sitting together. Hyun had barely been able to find three seats on the same flight. She'd apologize profusely and you'd forced Jungkook to let her off the hook with minimal pouting.

He'd been furious that she'd stuck you at the back of the plane but what could be done? It was essential that he and Kyujin be given the first class priority seating. You weren't famous you could travel through both airports without any protection or anyone even caring.

Jungkook had given you twenty 'last' kisses before being corralled into his car to go to the airport. Kyujin thought it was best to split up with everything being last minute and no staff around to help. You thought he was actually going to snap at the security guard when he insisted the two of you part ways. You had grinned to yourself wondering who would have won that battle.

At least Choram hadn't given you all bad news, before hanging up she'd told you that Aiden and Meera had signed very strict NDAs. She laughed that at least now you could complain about your ruined vacation with Jungkook to your friends.

You'd not messaged them the night before, the time spent packing and spending time with Jungkook. You'd thought maybe something would happen before bed but he was too keyed up and angry about your situation. He'd fallen asleep fully clothed on his stomach. That had bothered you more than separate seats on the plane.

Of course Minghao and Chin-sun had been as disappointed as the two of you. There were so many other things they'd planned to show you and leaving so suddenly meant you'd not even gotten to say goodbye. Minghao had put you all in a group chat and made the two of you promise to hang out with them as soon as they were back in Seoul in a few weeks.

You paid for the plane's Wi-Fi and finally opened the group chat. There were only a few messages but they got right to the point. Angling your phone against your body you read through them contemplating your response.

Aiden: Meera did you get any communication from Hybe that happened to mention the third person in this gc?

Meera: I did

Aiden: Are you as wildly curious as me why that would happen?

Meera: The wording was completely suspicious

Aiden: That person should definitely get the hell in here and put me out of my misery

You laughed, Aiden was showing remarkable restraint not blowing up the chat. It had been almost 10 hours since his last message. You decided to just tell them, not drag it out dramatically.

YN: We'll I guess I can tell the two of you now that you're sworn to secrecy. Kookie visited me in the hospital after getting my letter, well, he wrote me first for a while, then visited. When I said I was out it's because he helped me, him and two of the Hybe lawyers. And well I've been staying at his apartment.

You hit send, deciding that was enough, maybe it would be a little fun to let them explode with curiosity and questions. They were the only two people aside from Chin-sun you could call friends that knew you were dating him. You were allowed to act excited about this around them.

Aiden: It's Kookie? You call him Kookie? Wait, the fuck did you say? You are LIVING in the same apartment that he occupies? Not an apartment he owns but doesn't live in?

You were shocked how quickly Aiden replied, it momentarily distracted you from answering his questions.

YN: Were you stalking gc?

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