Thirty One

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You were down to just four blue plastic moving totes by the time you heard the front door open. Jungkook's steps were noisy as you listened to him hurrying down the hall. You turned toward the door feeling the carbonation like bubbles popping upward in your tummy. You couldn't wait to see him appear in your room.

Hyun had stayed to help you organize but after a while you'd wanted to sort through your things alone. There was something cathartic about physically touching your possessions after so long. She'd been very helpful with getting all of your clothing put away, but she'd sensed a change after that and made an excuse to leave.

"Hey Bunny." Jungkook stopped himself before barreling into your room, the doorway like a invisible barrier. Was he horrified by the mess?

"I'll get it cleaned up don't worry." You grimaced looking around at the accumulation of things you'd sorted through.

While most things had ended up put away on shelves, in drawers, relegated to places they belonged, some things hadn't found homes. There were also items you didn't plan to keep, things in poor condition you needed to dispose of, and then things you just weren't sure about. You imagined the disorder was probably not something he wanted to walk into.

"Don't be silly, take your time, I'm sure it's overwhelming to suddenly have all your things boxed up in front of you." Jungkook carefully stepped into the room, winding his way amongst the empty boxes and piles of stuff.

When he reached you he squatted down and grinned before kissing your cheek. You couldn't help but to smile so widely your face hurt.

"Hi Kookie." You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his back, you'd missed him and he'd only been gone a matter of a few hours.

"You don't want to do that I'm all sweaty and gross." He laughed but didn't move away, and you had the sense that sweaty Jungkook was not a bad thing. You knew you were blushing but hoped he couldn't read your mind.

"Did Choram hear back about Dal?" You changed the subject as he sat down across from you.

"Not yet, I'm guessing your Eomma isn't going to be incredibly responsive, she's not been for months right? If she isn't we can just ask her when we go for dinner in two weeks." Jungkook's fingers stroked the hair next to your ear and he smiled softly as if he knew you would be disappointed in his answer and he didn't want to be the reason.

"We go to dinner? Do you really think that's a good idea for you to come with me?" Your brain skipped past everything he said to focus on the fact that he wasn't supposed to be out in public and going to your mother's house was an unnecessary risk.

"Do you think I'm letting you go alone? Hell no, that witch isn't getting close to you without me standing by your side." Jungkook looked so indignant you almost laughed, his frown and scrunched up nose adorable.

"You're my bodyguard now?" You moved to your knees in front of him and raised a brow, your hands resting on his shoulders.

"You know I will protect you right? That I'm not joking?" His hands went around your waist and those tiny popping bubbles turned into a wave of something else.

"I'm not in danger Kookie."

"I think you're downplaying what happened to you Bunny. Someone in that house wanted it to look like you were suicidal, and I'm not ever going to let any of them hurt you again." His face was serious and you realized he wasn't entirely wrong. You weren't sure you believed someone tried to kill you, but they definitely wanted you to appear unstable.

"Alright, you're my bodyguard." You let your hands squeeze his shoulders, the muscles strong beneath your palms.

Jungkook tugged you forward then rolled your body toward the floor gently, his lifting over yours as he kissed you. The feeling went straight to your head like a high, his lips pressing against yours until you sighed.

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