Twenty Eight

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"Latch" by Disclosure ft Sam Smith, cover by Natalie Taylor







"Now I've got you in my space I won't let go of you"

"Why did you kiss me? Make my heart beat out my chest"

"I'm latching on, babe, now I that I know what I have found"







She'd fallen asleep on his couch and even though he knew he could easily move her back to her room, he didn't. For a while Jungkook sat on the floor neatly collecting the Army letters they'd spent hours reading. He treated them carefully, and remembered how delicately she'd touched each one, waffling between crying at their touching words, and even laughing at their silliness. He was used to it, having read thousands over the years. But it was a joyful thing to watch her experiencing the same thing.

He found it hard to read the letters when she'd pass them to him for his turn, instead he would peek over the pages at her reading the next one. Jungkook's eyes traced the emotion across her face, his breath sticking in his lungs waiting to see her next reaction. It was like the sweetest drug melting on his tongue the way he couldn't look away.

It was almost four in the morning but he didn't think he would be able to sleep. Had this really happened because she had been laying awake worried about his feelings? The last thing he'd expected was for her to burst into his room and hug him. Jungkook had been grateful for the darkness in that moment because something inside him snapped and he almost cried. Not the hot intense kind like she did later, but he choked up and felt tears try to rush toward his lashes.

Once the letters were sorted and put away where they belonged he sat on the floor in front of his couch where she lay, fist tucked beneath her chin, lashes dark against her skin. He wanted to touch her, maybe just her trace her smooth cheek or a lock of hair by her ear, but he didn't dare. She was breathing the long slow breaths of someone deeply relaxed into their sleep and he wouldn't disturb her.

How long had it been since she'd truly been able to find rest? Jungkook couldn't imagine the bed at Dongwo had provided much comfort. Add in the lights, smells, and endless rules he knew being on his couch was better than that. Even before that she'd been trapped in an endless loop of depression and acting out, drinking and partying with toxic people.

Jungkook felt like a sentinel, guarding her peace in those moments. He'd decided that he would never let her feel anything but perfectly safe and like she belonged here. He couldn't pinpoint why it had happened, but she was his girl, and even if she wasn't ready for him to be her guy, he was devotedly by her side for as long as she'd let him stay.

"Kookie?" He stiffened hearing his name and looked back toward her face from where he'd zoned out thinking.

"Hmm?" Her voice had been thick with sleep, almost as if she was talking through it.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now