Thirteen ➳

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Before Jungkook could open the letter his phone chimed in his bag by the door. It could be the guys, Bang, a manager, but he suspected it was Chae. For a second he thought about all the reasons he should ignore it.

He was furious with Jin right now, but hadn't they been family for over ten years? If he did this he couldn't take it back, there wouldn't be a chance to apologize. Things would be permanently different after this moment, and it wasn't likely his actions could be repaired.

Jungkook grinned, he was going to enjoy this at least, if this was going to be his going out in a blaze it should be fun. If he regretted it later then maybe he'd make good on his promise and leave the group. Jeon Jungkook could go solo, it would hurt Army's feelings at first but it wasn't like they weren't going to buy his albums or tickets to his concerts.

He stooped in his entrance hall digging through his bag until he produced the Samsung flip phone, he'd always preferred Apple but promos were BTS staples. Publicly whoever negotiated the best terms was his preference, whoever was lining Hybe's pockets. Maybe solo JK would have a different opinion, because he certainly wouldn't be able to stay with Big Hit. He'd probably have to start his own label after becoming toxic to BTS.

HC: Admit it's me and I'll make you feel better than anyone ever could

Jungkook stared at her cliche response, nothing witty or sexy about it. She was completely vapid and uninteresting, he had no clue why Jin had even liked her. He'd never been so shallow as to only care about their faces and bodies, his hyung had dated so many more intelligent, passionate, successful women before trapping himself with Chae.

JJ: If I'm going to risk my status with BTS, make it worth my time

This would be where it fell apart, she'd realize she was in too deep and she'd say it was all a joke. She'd never actually go through with cheating on her husband. Somewhere in the cotton candy brain of hers she must have some sort of feelings for Jin right?

HC: Anything, tell me how

Jungkook sighed, not the response he'd wanted, but at least she wasn't throwing in her cards. The desire to toy with someone so pathetic was losing it's appeal quickly. Maybe it was because she wasn't any fun, or maybe he just wasn't actually a vindictive person. What had seemed like a provocative idea in the car now seemed like a chore. He tapped a few keys then erased it, if he was going to do this, he'd go all in. Jungkook dialed his phone instead.

"Hello Jungkookie." Chae practically purred through the phone, his stomach tossed upward, she made his skin crawl, but this was necessary. Jin deserved it.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, are you doing that?" Jungkook let his voice tease out like a tantalizing caress, he knew she'd eat it up, desperate for the attention he continually denied her.

"Of course, I meant it, I'll do anything."

"What is Jin-hyung's favorite lingerie for you to wear?" Jungkook walked down his hallway, his eyes avoiding the mirrors that lined the walls, he couldn't possibly look himself in the eye right now.

"The pink set he gave me for our anniversary two months ago." Chae sounded confident, almost naughty, and he imagined Jin picking it out, he'd never send a PA to do it.

"Put it on. Wear your hair and make up just the way he prefers, the perfume he likes, make yourself up as if you're trying to drive him crazy." Jungkook turned his back on the counter, her letter sitting there admonishing him for his treachery.

"Jungkookie, why?" Slight hesitation in her tone, had it gone too far?

"Then you're going to come over to my apartment, let yourself in, and wait for me on my bed. When I get there I'm going to show you what it feels like when someone really appreciates your effort. I know he's left you so needy baby girl." Jungkook slowed his words, reeling her back in, by the way her breathing changed he knew he'd succeeded.

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