Fifty Nine

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"Why are you showing me this? Why didn't you just give it to Dongwo and have me locked away forever?" You wheeled on your stepfather your chest burning with rage, at yourself, at him, at everything. You didn't think you could contain it.

"I didn't need to show Dr Kang. They believed your Eomma and the blood tests from the hospital that you'd attempted suicide. Besides she was doing just fine ignoring all requests to release you. It was just a matter of time before the government facility swallowed you up." He laughed softly and you grappled with yourself to not swipe everything off the desk or worse punch him.

"Why are you doing this?" You swallowed hard hating how pathetic you sounded, then loathing how much it seemed to please him.

"We didn't count on fucking Jeon Jungkook saving you." He laughed and leaned back on the leather desk chair, he was the very picture of relaxed.

He seemed like he was waiting, gauging your reaction. Maybe he really did expect you to fly off the handle, wouldn't that just make whatever he was planning look that much more justified?

"Finding this footage was a curious surprise, I didn't intend to capture your pill pity party." He laughed raising a brow and said the last three words again with a smirk. "Pity party pills?"

"Why are you recording the rooms in this house? Was there one in my bedroom?" You couldn't let yourself think of that particular horror just now, your mind was still reeling with the images of how you'd tried to hurt yourself.

"Only the public spaces and my own bedroom. I'm not a pervert. You should probably speak to me more kindly Y/N-ah, you're in no position to be such a bitch right now." His tone was scolding but you could see the glee he was pulling from having the upper hand.

"Why would you need to do that?" You tempered your words but barely, each one threatened to choke you.

"It all goes back to your daddy dearest. I know you think he was this amazing angel of a man, good to your family, good for the community, good for his businesses and their partners. But you're wrong, he was a monster." The chair abruptly returned to full upright as he leaned forward, all smiles gone from his face.

You were shaking your head, this man in front of you was the monster. You'd watched him slap your mother, he had footage of you hurting yourself and it amused him, he was trying to steal your family's money. But he was accusing your father of being the awful person?

"Liar." The word was weak, but you didn't know why you couldn't say it with more force.

Except you did. There was so much you didn't know about your father. He'd been loving and kind to you and your brother, but he'd also been busy and absent from your home a lot. It was easy to think the best of him when you really had no idea what he was like outside of these walls. Dread washed through you, this man, your stepfather hadn't drugged you, instead just watched you self destruct. Was it possible he wasn't lying about your father?

"Do you know how much is in your trust fund?"

"A couple billion won. The same in Junnie's. Not enough for anyone to be going to these lengths." You said it with venom, grasping at anything to keep the fire of hatred burning toward him.

"Except there's so much more. You see your Appa stole over two hundred billion from my Eomma's logistics company. Maybe I'm not painting the picture clear enough. I know that video was so easy to understand, I wish I'd made a PowerPoint of my story for part two." His laugh was ugly but his eyes were as angry as you felt.

"Sit. You standing like that is very distracting." He waited while you decided if you were going to do it, and you finally relented, you needed to know what all of this meant.

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