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"You're going to have to be careful visiting. If people see you out and about they're going to suspect that something is up at Hybe." Your heart clenched even suggesting that he shouldn't visit, but it was the truth.

"But I want to visit every day. I don't want to write anymore, what's the point if I have the freedom to just come by?" Jungkook's smile was so sweet it twisted something around your heart that almost left you breathless.

"It's not like I'm five minutes away, I'm over an hour from the city." You frowned, why were you discouraging him? You wanted to see him every day too.

"I'm only going to have dance practice like once or twice a week, maybe studio time a couple hours a week. I don't mind the drive." Jungkook looked at you, that smile still there from before, but hesitant like he wasn't sure about something.

"You've got to figure out how to neutralize things with Jin, make him understand the truth. You should be focused on that not on me." You patted his hand softly, letting your fingertip trace his tattoos, you decided to change the subject back to what mattered, his relationship with his group.

Jungkook sighed, watching your finger glide along the initials of Army, and you knew he was thinking about everything he'd lost. You couldn't restore any of that, only he could do it himself, and burning time here wouldn't make anything feel any better.

"Then I have to figure out how to get you out so that I can focus on myself. While you're in here I'm not going to be able to think about anything else." His words sunk into your tummy, a giddy feeling you didn't feel entitled to have so you looked down at his hand until you gained enough control to meet his eyes again.

"Don't be silly, I'm just a girl, I'll be fine here." You tried levity, slapping his hand gently, letting your tone raise a bit into a lighter place.

"That's not true, you're my girl." Jungkook blushed, his mouth opening as if he would back pedal from that statement but nothing came out.

You were blushing too, he'd certainly not meant how it sounded, you fought to find words to correct him, but you only managed to look away the edges of your ears pink. He grabbed your fingers and shook them until you looked back.

"I mean, you're my friend, not just a girl. I'm not giving up on you. Besides, let's be honest we know you're on a time count down now. There's no way I'm letting them move you. None." He sat up straighter, his cheeks were still ruddy from his faux pas but you could tell he meant every word.

"I can't even get my mother to speak to me." You sighed, noticing that Jungkook hadn't released your fingers, you liked how warm his hand was on yours.

Your stomach rumbled, the reminder it was probably past lunch time, and you could have died of embarrassment. Jungkook laughed, finally releasing your hand he reached toward the floor and produced a brown take out bag. He lifted out a square container and when he removed the lid you could tell it was filled with ice packs. He quickly pulled two salads and two drinks from it placing them on the table between you.

"Chicken or salmon?"

He tilted the plastic bowls your way and grinned, each circle was filled with vegetables with meat on top. It was more colorful and fresh looking than anything you'd eaten here in the last few months.

"Which one do you want?"

"The one you're not going to choose. I eat everything." Jungkook danced the salads back and forth it was cute and you laughed, his bunny smile making you feel warm.

"Just not lemon donuts?"

"Those are disgusting."

"Salmon." You grabbed the salad from his hand, and he reached into the bag again producing chopsticks and napkins.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now