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"Let's not talk about it, money doesn't matter to me." Jungkook looked shocked and you wanted to feel sorry for him but you couldn't.

"To you. Doesn't matter to you. Why do your feelings count right now? This isn't happening to you." You couldn't believe he'd not spoken to you before doing this, your chest felt hollow.

"You're getting out? Isn't that what you wanted?" Jungkook tried to step around the desk, his hands reaching toward you and you felt caged.

"Don't touch me!" You pushed his hands away, yours flying toward your face to catch the tears that were about to start falling.

"I don't understand, you were supposed to be happy." His face had fallen too, he also looked close to tears, you swallowed hard before responding.

"She trapped me here, she gave me no choices! You've done the same, you've just transferred my helplessness from her hands to your own. Why didn't you talk to me first? How could you just decide everything on your own? Why would Dr Kang let you do this?" The tightness of your throat finally released and the flood of tears poured out with your words.

When he reached for you this time you walked into his arms, facing dropping to his collarbone. You weren't really angry at him, you felt torn inside out that you finally knew that you meant nothing more to your mother than money. All along you wanted to believe she'd put you here for your own good, even if her decision was misguided. You'd wanted to put all the nastiness on your stepfather, wanted to think that she didn't know about him trying to take your inheritance.

"Shh, I'm sorry, I'm so stupid, don't be mad Y/N, I'll fix it." Jungkook held you tightly and you let your fingers clutch the sides of his shirt, tugging them into your palms.

"She doesn't love me Kookie." The words out loud were even more heartbreaking than when they bounced through your head.

"That's not true, she wants you to come to dinner every two weeks, she said it was part of the deal."

"I want Dal back." You ignored what he said about dinner with her, you weren't sure if it was a manipulation or a genuine request to spend time with you.

"Okay, I can do that. I'll make it happen, don't be upset with me. I didn't think of it that way." Jungkook tilted your chin upward and the pain in his eyes made you wish you'd not flipped out on him.

He was falling apart just like you were, dealing with his own bullshit and people who didn't love him they way they should. You felt guilty for adding to his stress, he shouldn't have to take care of you too. You couldn't imagine how much money he'd just thrown away.

"I'll have to stay with my aunt, I just need to call her." You watched your decision flicker across his face but before you could catch the reaction he nodded and hugged you again.

"Where does she live?" Jungkook said the words over your head, and you thought you could hear disappointment in them.


"I guess that will make us pen pals again." 

"Living with you would be a distraction, you've got to get back on track with BTS. You don't need to take care of me, my aunt will do it. Besides, we can text, talk on the phone." You sighed and finally released yourself from his embrace, instantly wishing you'd not done it.

"You're right, it won't be the same as when you're in here. You can come visit, or I can come see you. But if you're saying you should stay with her because you think it's inconvenient to me, don't. It would be nice having someone around, it's a huge apartment, we wouldn't have to hang out all the time." Jungkook spoke quickly, at first trying to sound easy going, but by the end you could tell he wanted you to pick him.

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