Sixty Six ➳

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You begged Hyun to come to the room with you, but she shook her head. Instead she grinned and wiggled her eyebrows at you for the hundredth time.

"Nope. You said you wanted a space with only the two of you, so go!" She had also convinced you to stop at a clothing store for a new lingerie set, parking the car long before you reached the Four Seasons.

While you'd been agonizing over a black lacy bralette and a white satin push up she'd disappeared from the store entirely. When she returned joining you at checkout, you'd chosen the black one, she grinned holding up a receipt and convenience store bag. You read it and blushed, she'd bought condoms.

"This wasn't supposed to be about having sex." You'd hissed the words pushing her arm and the bag down before she could pull them out in front of everyone.

You realized it definitely wasn't her first time buying them for him, in fact she probably always bought them. It wasn't like he could walk into a store and do it himself. Oh hey, just me, Jungkook, buying condoms. Thanks! You rolled your eyes at yourself at how that would end up the headlines of every KPop gossip site.

"What is his brand?" The two of you were back in the car and almost at the hotel when you finally found the courage to ask.

"Okamoto 001 L." Her laugh was so loud it filled the car and you tried not to feel embarrassed, if you were capable of having sex you needed to be able to talk about it.

"Where can I buy them?"

"7-11, red box, gold square at the top. Look." She motioned with her head toward the bag and you pulled it out. It matched what you'd remembered from your own encounters with the gold packets. "Just look for the most expensive ones and you'll know you picked the right box."

"How much are they?"

"About eight thousand a fuck." She laughed and you did the math in your head, your eyes getting big. You thought condoms were cheaper than that, not that you'd ever bought them.

"I only bought three, they didn't have the big box, but it's only one night. Call me if you need more because you're not going home tomorrow, but don't call me tonight I'm off at seven and I'm not going to answer my phone!"

You nodded and messed with your two bags, jostling them around to fit into your minuscule purse. Somehow walking into the luxury hotel with cheap plastic bags seemed wrong. After a second you pulled your phone out and shoved, everything was going to have to just fit long enough to get upstairs. You dropped your purse back on the floor and looked at your screen, deciding you should probably see if Jungkook had responded.

JJ: Yes, but why?

JJ: Why, Bunny? Everything alright?

JJ: Should I be worried?

JJ: Hello?

Two missed calls from Jungkook. Your phone was still on silent from your appointment with Dr Choi.

"Don't worry I told him things were okay, he called while I was at the store." Hyun seemed to read your face as you read your screen.

"What did you tell him?" Your fingers hovered over the keypad not sure what to respond.

"That you'd wanted a change of scenery and he should definitely not go to dinner with the guys." She was grinning again but you flushed, what if you'd ruined their reunion?

"Shit I hadn't thought of that, they probably were going to hang out."

"And now they aren't. Don't feel guilty he's had thirteen years with those guys. He'll have fifty more probably." She'd parked in the garage by an elevator. "Enter your suite number then #781 and it will take you to your floor. Same code will open the door. Take a shower, put on that new set, one of their robes and wait for your man." Hyun's smile was kind and she pointed at the door of the car, a silent command.

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