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Jungkook knew when he'd found her, the forty seventh page he'd clicked and dug through. His back was screaming from being hunched over his kitchen table by the time he'd arrived at it. He'd moved there after an hour on his bed, the monotony driving him to want to lay his head against the pillow and quit, but he'd refused and it had finally paid off.

Her profile picture was the BTS logo with the Love Yourself heart transposed through it. Before he'd clicked on it he'd been sure it was going to be a fan account, although most were named something catchy and not just a person's actual name.

He'd seen forty six women of every age, the last three hours that shared her name. Teenagers gushing about bands, college girls at parties or in bikinis, older women with their kids, even older women with their travel blogs. He'd been close to losing hope.

The most recent post was over ten months old but it was an exceptionally beautiful shot of a tree brushing a still body of water. The leaves were a veined vibrant green, the branch was smooth brown and the water a lighter shade of the same. He could see some of the techniques she'd used, the adjusted shutter speed, the angle and the color correction post print. Hadn't Y/N said she loved photography, he thought she was very talented like she'd said in her letter.

The next was a white Korean Jindo with dark eyes. The dog was sitting on the grass by the Han river a long black leash snaking off camera from a black collar. Dal, moon, the dog's coat as it faded toward grey did remind Jungkook of that. It was obvious he was carefully watching his owner, the sparkle from his eyes intent and focused.

There were about thirty posts in total going back several years. There shots of what he thought must have been a club, bright lights bouncing around a glowing room. He'd been to all the popular clubs around Seoul, Busan, Daegu, and it didn't remind him of any of them.

Most posts were more subdued, the typical Insta bread and butter, shots of plates of food, skylines he recognized of major cities, a group shot of some children he suspected must be her family. What Jungkook didn't see was any pictures of her, and it aggravated him to no end.

The closest he got was several years back a memorial post for her appa, he was holding her, but she was a toddler and even in that photo she faced him and not the camera. A fluffy blue hood obscuring any chance at even a side shot, white snow billowy at their feet.

He clicked her tagged photos and she was, dozens of times, but nothing that revealed anything more than a hand, the back of her head, a collection of photographs she must have taken. There were tagged pictures of bottles of alcohol, several photos of people passed out on a huge leather couch. He guessed that must have been the out of control drinking she'd mentioned.

He stood stretching, cracking his back like popcorn as he stewed on how her page was toying with him. He didn't know why he needed to see her face, but he had this certainty that he must. He decided that she'd untagged herself from pictures and started working his way down her friends list, but quickly realized it was going to be a dead end.

All one hundred and eighteen pages she followed her were an array of BTS fan pages except for five. Two of the five were private, their tiny circular photos not giving him any clue how they were related to her. She was followed back by around one hundred and fifty but the ones that weren't BTS fan pages were the same five plus some that clearly looked like spam.

He clicked on the first mutual friend that had a normal profile picture that wasn't private. It led him to a page that had a collection of both BTS fan posts and normal ones. Aiden Wilkes was proudly bisexual, a fan of Namjoon, and quite talented at making spicy reels. The posts that weren't dedicated to his leaders thighs or ass were of Aiden with friends, family, on vacation, celebrating holidays. Hundreds of posts, and after clicking on almost every pic that had other people in it, Jungkook had come up empty, nothing of Y/N. He finally gave up guessing that their only connection was BTS.

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