Seventy Three

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As he turned into the alley where he'd left Jimin's car, Jungkook realized he wouldn't have to wonder about the answer to his question. Mina leaned against the driver's door, but instead of wearing a smug grin to match Chae's she looked serious and narrowed her eyes as he approached.

"I'm sure she made you a very tempting offer." Mina brushed long locks back from her face and held up a hand, stopping his progress, and for some reason he found himself halting on command.

"You gave her all the fuel she needed to light a monumentally messed up fire." Jungkook tried to keep his voice down, head pivoting to check out the area around him. He didn't have time to spar with a second psycho tonight, Y/N could wake up at any moment and catch him. Ruin any chance he had of salvaging the night.

"What if I said while I was gathering what she wanted from you, I also collected some evidence from her while I was at it." She smiled, but it wasn't a pleased smile, there was something almost sad about it.

"What does that have to do with me Mina? I have to go, I can't stand out here where anyone could be looking out their windows and snapping pictures." He shoved his hand into his pocket grasping the key fob, but didn't close the distance. The last thing he needed was to be close to her, he was already skating on very thin ice.

"What if I made you a counter offer, do something for me and I'll keep Chae from releasing anymore evidence." Her sigh was deep and he wondered why she'd had a change of heart, except she'd not said she'd do it for free.

"What's the catch?"

"I have a mix tape coming out in two weeks, all press is good press right? A tiny little dating scandal with a very gorgeous BTS member would make my fans crazy in the very best ways." Another half smile and she shrugged.

"Even if it drives mine crazy in the worst?" Jungkook finished the thought, then silently added 'and ruins my relationship', but didn't voice it out loud, refusing her the satisfaction.

His stomach clenched. What she offered made a lot of sense, if she could actually stop Chae from doxxing Y/N, and kept him from having to traumatize Jin with forcing him back to his ex, couldn't he deal with the rest? Y/N would be furious, she'd feel betrayed, but she'd know it was only fake right? It was a deal to save them all. Momentary anger would fade to understanding and she'd forgive him. He could bare the time between her outrage and her eventual clemency. He'd agree to couple's counseling or whatever it took to help her to it more quickly.

"What are you suggesting?" Was he really thinking of doing this?

"Thursday night we go to dinner, but a friend calls Dispatch and they catch us very cozy in my car. Full face photos, no doubt that we were together. JYP releases a statement saying we've gone on dates, Hybe can say whatever 'we don't comment, blah blah', that won't matter as long as they don't deny the allegation. You don't have to confirm, as long as you never deny."

"Clarify what you mean by cozy." Jungkook felt his senses tingling up the back of his neck, this was playing with fire, as much as he wanted to save Jin what if he couldn't make Y/N understand? What if there wasn't any path to forgiveness if he did it?

"Holding hands, sitting very close. Nothing sexual. Just being in the same car is going to make Once and Army flip out."

He needed to think, weigh this out when his heart wasn't beating out of his chest worrying about Y/N waking up without him. He needed to get home and comfort her and he'd decide later, standing here exposed in an alley with Jimin's recognizable car was going to take his options away.

"Prove you can control Chae and we'll discuss it. There's no point in me agreeing if I do this for you and she exposes everything anyway." Jungkook waved Mina away from the car and was surprised when she moved toward a small Hyundai parked behind the Porsche.

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