Fifty Seven

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Jungkook squeezed your fingers against his own, the short walk from his car to the door of your childhood home seeming to be the longest of your life. When you met his eyes he smiled, you knew he was trying to be reassuring but your stomach rolled with tension anyway.

"Remember your goals. See your brother. Find out about Dal. We'll eat and leave. Easy peasy."

"Lemon squeezy." You finished with a small smile that you didn't think you really felt and watched as he lifted his tattooed knuckles to knock on the door.

Did you need to knock? Did returning after nearly six months to a place you'd lived almost all of your twenty three years make you a stranger? You thought it was probably courteous to announce your arrival, especially with how acrimonious your relationship with your mother had been recently. Besides you had moved out, you didn't have a key, and you hadn't wanted to come in the first place.

"Sweetheart! Welcome." Your mother answered the door, her voice overly loud and bright but also strangely full of a kindness you'd not experienced from her in a long time.

Contrasting sharply to her syrupy greeting she stepped out the door and shut it behind her with a solid thud into the frame. The way she looked at Jungkook was less than friendly and the new tone when she spoke again was caustic as best.

"This is unexpected, I didn't know my dinner invite was for two." Her eyes traveled down your body to rest on your conjoined hands, it made you tighten your grip petulantly.

"I thought my lawyer made it fairly clear that I'm your daughter's guardian. I go where she goes." Jungkook's words were said with a lightness that betrayed the challening look on his face. "Are you implying I'm not welcome?" His posture changed his shoulders widening and he stepped slightly in front of you.

"You're always welcome Jeon Jungkook, that's not the issue. You see I planned a little party with some of Y/N-ahs friends and I think it might not be in your best interest to show up. Could you imagine the controversy if one of them talked and it got to Dispatch? Of course my family has NDAs but the other twelve people inside do not." The curl of her mauve painted lips let you know this was a calculated move on her part, she'd known the two of you would arrive together and everyone behind the door was the wedge she'd use to drive him away.

"No problem Eomma, we'll reschedule another night." You turned tugging Jungkook back down the path, playing her game wasn't on your agenda even if it had been on hers.

"Fine, then like I told Choram I'll have to have the police investigate the safety of your living situation." The way she said it sent rage through your whole body, she knew exactly what she was playing at even if her words were said with feigned innocence.

"Ignore her, let's go." You'd stopped walking, your heart clenching at her words, feeling the threat in them. Jungkook kept moving your arm stretching out in front of you until he had to stop or risk yanking you along.

"I can't, Kookie she'll ruin you." You closed the distance pressing against him so you could whisper quietly.

"Let her, I don't care. You can't go in there alone, why do I know these aren't really your friends at all?" He glanced over your shoulder at your mother, you knew she probably wore a smug look, you couldn't bare to see it.

"You don't have a choice. If you go in, everything is fucked. I'm sure you're right she's invited the worst of my friends, her best friend's drunk of a daughter probably hand picked the lot. None of them will agree to an NDA, if you could even magically produce one right now." Somehow you thought he might be able to pull that off, but none of them would sign it.

You could picture Choi Hanna, gorgeous and perfect in every way, the fakest friend of the entire lot by far tilting her head back and laughing at the suggestion. She'd have the audacity to think herself about him, as if he'd crashed the party and not the other way around. In fact if you remembered correctly she'd been a huge fan of BTS growing up, although she'd pretend boredom to not seem over eager.

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