Sixty Seven ➳

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You reached the bedroom holding hands and Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed his fingers motioning you to turn around. You blushed but modeled the lingerie for him channeling your sexiest self, your cheeks feeling like they were on fire. His soft laugh let you know he knew you were feeling shy but he didn't care because he was enjoying the view.

"Why do you never let me do that? Do you not like it?" Having turned full circle you walked between his thighs, his hands finding your waist, his lips already moving to kiss the curve of your breast.

"It was perfect, but I know it can be weird with my piercing." It was hard to listen to his reply with the tiny kisses he was leaving across your skin and into your cleavage.

"Do you think I don't want you to feel good too?" Your head tilted back, his hands moving up your back to unhook your bra and it felt so good. Why were you trying to have such a serious discussion right now?

"It's nothing like that Bunny." Jungkook's palms cupped your breasts, his thumbs brushing against your tightening nipples and you didn't care what it was about anymore.

He must have sensed the conversation was over for you, his hands dropped from your breasts to your waist and he stood switching the positions of your bodies and pushed you onto the surface of the bed. Jungkook leapt onto it with you, his long muscled arms holding his naked body over yours.

You cupped his face stopping him before he could kiss you and frowned, your thumb brushing his lips. He was so beautiful it was almost hard to believe he could be yours. His eyes were dreamy, half closed, lips parted and waiting for you. For a second it felt as if you were completely in sync.

"Do you love me Kookie?" More intense questions you could have rolled your eyes at yourself, but your heart was pounding as if you didn't already know the answer.

"There's nothing I love more. I promise." Jungkook pushed past your arms that were holding your bodies apart and kissed you. His mouth drew your breath from your lungs, his lips taking yours, his tongue tasting you.

Fingers stroked down your body, until they pressed against your panties making you sigh into the kiss. Jungkook seemed to know exactly where to touch and tease to make you distracted. His mouth started following the path he'd traced downward, hot biting kisses across your neck and breasts. One of his fingers hooked into the lace and slipped into your wetness, gliding all the way up toward your clit.

His progress was fast, the heat growing between the two of you like it had boiled over in the entrance a few moments ago. His teeth caught your panties and he tugged them down with a grin and you laughed pushing his hair from his eyes, your nails dragging along his scalp. He discarded the tiny bit of cloth to the floor and nuzzled your inner thigh. It made you feel needy but Jungkook did it again, kissing the other side, his mouth not getting anywhere close to where you really wanted it.

"Kookie!" You protested and he smirked pushing your thighs back with his hands, his fingers digging into your flesh until your calves laid against his back.

Jungkook's first lick almost made you cry out, his flattened tongue parting you and covering so much of your sensitive skin. The next captured your clit in the warmth of his lips and your shaky breath turned into a moan. You propped yourself on your elbows and watched his eyes lifting to yours in a way that made you wonder if he enjoyed anything more than this moment.

It didn't take him long to find a pattern with the tip of his tongue circling the side of your clit between sucks, a code that was unlocking gasps and cries from your mouth until you were flat on your back again. Jungkook's arms wrapped around your thighs, holding you down keeping them parted so you didn't clamp shut around his neck.

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