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When you reached her office you could see Dr Kang at her desk from the open doorway. What you couldn't see was who occupied the hard straight backed guest chair which was hidden from view. You'd hoped it would be your mother, maybe for once she'd let you talk.

The whole walk you'd practiced what you would say, calmly of course, extremely respectful. You'd tell her how you'd regretted your behavior, you'd worked through your daddy issues, and you were ready to come home.

You'd not actually say daddy issues, you rolled your eyes at yourself. You'd just explain in the most tranquil way possible that you were grateful she'd saved your life but you were alright now. You wouldn't even bring up that you hadn't tried to kill yourself.

You turned the corner walking into the office, white linoleum turning to patterned short pile carpet and froze. Sitting in the chair closest to the window was your step father. He'd never shown up here, hadn't come to the hospital, had rarely spoken more than three sentences to you at a time the entire two years you'd shared a home together.

"Have a seat." Dr Kang motioned to the other open chair and you shook your head.

"No thank you." The words caught in your throat, sticky and irritating. You couldn't think of any reason he'd need to be here unless something bad had happened.

"Are Eomma and Junnie okay?" You couldn't help yourself, you worried about your brother all the time.

"Of course. Everyone at home is doing well." He smiled and nodded, a perfectly pleasant version of himself.

He was a short man, handsome face, fit body. A complete contrast from your tall string bean father who always looked half asleep with his heavily lidded eyes.

You bit your tongue, wanting to lash out with caustic words, ask him if everything was fine why he thought he had the right to visit you. Deep breaths calmed your brain, anything you said to him was like speaking directly to your mother because he would certainly repeat them to her.

"Your appa asked to speak with you privately because he feels the discussion is a sensitive matter and you might not want others overhearing. I'm going to step out and grab some coffee but I'll just be a door away." Dr Kang stood, no concern on her face, and you stabbed your fingernails into your palm to not lash out that she'd referred to him as your father.

"Sit down Y/N, I don't want to look up at you, it's awkward." His body language and tone changed the moment the rasp of the door shut like a trigger. Now his words were clipped.  

You chose Dr Kang's chair behind the oak colored desk that you suspected was particle board and not wood. You picked up her pen, twisting it between your fingers then put it down remembering it could be considered a weapon.

"Did Eomma send you?" Gently. Gently. The words a silent coaching in your head.

"In a way, but not directly. I want to talk about your inheritance." You flinched, that wasn't something you'd expected him to say.

"I don't understand why you'd be interested in that at all." You could hear strain tracing through the words, this little man who had no right to be here now asking about money he'd never earned.

"It's costing a lot of money to keep you in such a nice facility. Your mother is paying out of her own pocket for this and I feel badly for her." He shrugged like you were in some luxury spa and not a mental ward on the outskirts of Osan.

"Easy solution would be to bring me home." Your words were dripping with disdain, somehow you knew he didn't agree.

"She's not ready for that. She doesn't believe you're taking responsibility for what you've done. No one wants a repeat and no one has time to babysit you." He casually crossed one leg over the other, sanctimously discussing something with you he had no right to bring up.

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