Thirty Three

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"You look really grumpy." You stepped into the kitchen after agonizing over your outfit in your room for almost an hour.

Jungkook of course looked flawless just thrown together with a white dress shirt and black pants. Truly effortless, but you'd guessed both pieces probably cost a fortune, unless some designer had given them away just so they could say Jeon Jungkook wore their clothing.

With no time left to spare you'd chosen an understated black cocktail dress, with your hair curled a bit and your make up perfectly applied you thought you might not look like a slob next to him. You were grateful to have your wardrobe, but wondered if Jungkook might have been able to delay if you hadn't.

"I want you all to myself, it's only day three and I'm already having to share you with other people." Jungkook's hands grabbed your waist and pulled you closer.

"Watch it Kookie or you'll be wearing my lipstick." You laughed swerving his kiss and he frowned down at you.

"Go switch to just gloss, do you really think I'm going to not kiss you all evening?" He brushed his thumb against your bottom lip stealing some of the pink pigment.

"You'll look lovely in pink." You grinned and stepped away but he held you tight dragging you back and then proved he did indeed look just fine in your lip color. You were pretty sure his kisses had brought some pink to your cheeks as well.

"We should go." His words were breathless, his forehead pressed to yours.

"Who will be there tonight?" You grabbed a napkin from the counter and blotted his mouth, the color coming away easily.

"As far as I know just Joon-hyung and Sujin." The contempt in his voice when he said Namjoon's wife's name made you raise a brow.

"You really don't like her hmm?" You pulled a small mirror from your purse and checked your own lips, a couple of dabs with the napkin and you no longer looked like you'd been kissed.

"He's not acted the same since they got together."

You knew most people acted differently when they entered serious relationships, but you weren't going to stand up for Namjoon. Your loyalty was to Jungkook, even if he was overreacting you'd support him. If it turned out to be true, that Sujin was a perfectly wonderful person you'd talk about it quietly at home later. You'd never betray him.

"I know what you're thinking I can read it on your face. She's going to act sweet and perfectly amazing tonight. Joon-hyung will be charming and you're going to think he's the lovable goofy leader of BTS. Don't be fooled." Jungkook pouted and you kissed him again, not caring that you'd just cleaned the both of you up.

"I believe you Kookie, if you feel like they've treated you badly, then they did. You don't need to convince me to take your side, I'm already on it."

Jungkook groaned and lifted you onto the counter, pressing between your legs, the material of your dress pressing upward. You blushed grabbing for the fabric but he stopped you, holding your hands gently.

"Relax, I'm not going to take advantage of you." He laughed softly and when he kissed you this time, you didn't try to stop him.


"You're late." Namjoon answered the door and even with Jungkook in front, you were a bit stunned by his size.

It wasn't just how tall or muscular he was, his whole presence seemed to fill the doorway with an energy that was unmatched. You grabbed Jungkook's hand and let him lead you in past his leader.

"It's my fault, I was really nervous about meeting you and changed outfits about a hundred times." You spoke up, surprised that you even found you could.

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