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"Go in and get her." Jungkook was agitated, his palms against the steering wheel felt sweaty and he gripped the leather more tightly.

It had been almost three hours and he didn't think he could wait another minute, his nerves were shot. He'd text her half a dozen times and she hadn't even read them. He couldn't erase the memory of the look on her face when he glanced out his back window as he pulled away. She was scared, and he shouldn't have left.

"Kook I've got this, I won't come back without her." Hyun squeezed his forearm and then closed her eyes as he took a corner too fast.

He regarded her in the passenger seat and she looked determined, but she also looked worried. Jungkook knew it would be impossible to cover up if he had to go in after them both. He was willing to make that choice but he was really counting on Hyun to come through. That kind of media attention might change what options he had when it came to rejoining BTS.

They were quiet as he made his way through the side streets to her mother's house. It was an affluent part of town, the house large, the neighborhood screaming money. Either her mother and her new husband truly didn't have any of it and were struggling to stay afloat in their lifestyle, or there must be more to the story about why they were trying to steal such a small sum of money from Y/N. He could have sworn she said she had less than 2 billion left of her trust.

That wasn't a small amount of money to most people, but certainly not the kind that had bought that house. He'd spent a lot more on his apartment and the house was worth triple or more what he'd paid. Somehow his wandering thoughts eased his mind and before he knew it he parked in front of the house, his hands dropping to his lap in balled up fists.

"You have to be cool Kook. I will text you if I need you, otherwise do not leave this fucking car." Hyun was holding his head in place but Jungkook was looking over her shoulder at the front door. "Do you understand what I just said to you?"

"Yes. Fine. Just hurry." He finally allowed eye contact before she relented and slid from the car.

He tried drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, but that didn't help at all. He picked up his phone but that just reminded him that she'd not read his texts. He tried convincing himself that he'd survived three hours, what was ten more minutes?

It hadn't been a pleasant time, he'd paced his apartment, Hyun sitting on the couch and trying to talk him down. When that hadn't worked Jin had shown up, his calm even voice at least stopping the frenzy that had become his circuit around his apartment. Sitting at the counter, Jin's hands trapping his own against the counter to prevent fidgeting he'd finally tried to rationalize the situation realistically.

The house was full of people, not just her mother and stepfather but also party guests, how many had Soo-ah said she invited? He couldn't remember but Jungkook knew it was enough that it meant Y/N was safe. Not only would those people be present but also at least a few staff members? He doubted that her mother had cooked or cleaned for the party. The threat wasn't physical, she would come back out of the house intact he guessed.

The issue was psychological damage could be worse than a simple wound. Her mother was a nightmare, and he had no clue what her stepfather was capable of doing. Pretty soon not even Jin could keep him contained and he was back in his car with Hyun. She'd tried to insist she drive but the windows on her personal vehicle weren't tinted and she refused to drive his Mercedes.

Jungkook was shocked when less than three minutes after Hyun had been let through the front door, she walked back out, Y/N at her side. At first glance she looked better than she'd gone in, she smiled at Hyun and they walked steadily toward his car. They spoke to each other, and when he looked back at the door no one seemed to be standing there watching their departure.

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