Forty Two

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"Here, leave your suitcase by the door for Hyun." Jungkook returned from taking his own Louis Vuitton cases, and was currently rolling yours toward the hallway.

"Wait! Why?" You grabbed his arm and tugged him back, why did you have so much anxiety about this trip?

Jungkook seemed more relaxed and excited than you'd ever seen him. The last few days he'd been over the moon with planning your trip to Hong Kong. He'd written down a whole list of places he wanted to ask Minghao to take the two of you. Victoria Peak, the high speed train, Lamma Island, Macau, Disney Land, the flower market, Lantau Island cable cars, jade jewelry craft stores, Cup Noodle museum, the list was never ending.

"We can't walk through the airport with luggage. It looks weird and then your suitcase ends up on Dispatch and some crafty Army figures out your whole life story. Hyun will take them and get them on the plane." He hugged you to his side, you took a breath wrapping your arms around his waist.

"You were supposed to let me pay for my own ticket." You pouted pressing your cheek to his shoulder, you had no clue why you were bringing it up. It was probably the nerves talking, just thinking about trying to disguise yourself in his entourage through the airport gave you unease.

"You can pay for the hotel, or food, or tickets to attractions. I had to pay for the plane tickets. Your name can't be on them." Jungkook left your suitcases and scooped you up carrying you to the living room.

He sat on the couch letting you settle in his lap with a sigh. You hugged him again, but truthfully you were just avoiding his eyes.

"Spill it Bunny, what's wrong?" His fingers turned your face back to him, his dark eyes unavoidable.

"The caution we have to take to not let people see us together is discouraging." You winced, did you really have the right to feel any type of way about this?

"It won't be as crazy once we get to Hong Kong. We'll lay low for a day while paparazzi go crazy then after that we should be good to do what we want." His smile was almost contagious but you let the dread in your stomach prevent you from returning it.

"But it will always be crazy in Korea. We will never get to spend time in public together." You hated that you were bringing this up, but ever since the night of karaoke you couldn't stop thinking about it.

The truth was, that would likely be the only time you hung out with your friends with Jungkook. The rest of the time you'd have to pretend to be single, but uninterested in dating. At best you could claim to be seeing someone, but it was unlikely you'd ever introduce them. Even with NDAs you knew unless they were extremely close to you it wasn't going to be worth the risk of telling anyone you were seeing Jungkook.

"Is a public relationship something that you need to be happy?" Jungkook looked concerned and you wished you'd not brought any of this up. Making him worry was worse than just shoving down the feelings and ignoring them.

"No, I'm just nervous about the airport." You grabbed his hand, letting your fingers trace his tattoo, it was becoming something you did with regularity to comfort yourself.

"Don't be nervous Bunny, you'll walk with the PAs, you'll be super far ahead from me. I'll do what I always do, bow and wave. No one will be looking at you if you just keep moving and don't look around." Jungkook squeezed your side and you nodded, hoping everything would go as planned.

"What if they figure out I'm not usually with your entourage?"

"They won't Bunny. Wear a mask and a hat. No one will care about you. I'm pretty impressive you know." Jungkook leaned forward and kissed you gently.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now