Sixty Eight

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Your belly was full and you were beginning to already regret all over again leaving the condoms in Hyun's car. Jungkook was still eating a huge slice of pizza and watching a high speed chase between Ducati motorcycles on the ridiculously oversized TV in the sitting room. He looked like an oversized teen boy sprawled across the sofa, the hotel robe mostly open over his chest.

You were starting to believe it wasn't just the hotel room that had reignited your insatiable desire for your boyfriend. Just watching him laugh at the screen or the way he possessively kept you close to him reassured you it was your feelings that had changed. The long expanses of skin at his chest and thighs wasn't hurting your neediness either.

"How did things go with the guys?" You shifted as if to move your legs from Jungkook's lap but he grabbed your calf with his free hand and frowned at you.

He didn't get to respond to the question because there was a sharp knock on the door and Jungkook dropped his pizza back onto the plate and scrambled to wipe his hands onto a napkin. He kissed the top of your head as he went to answer it like he knew who would be on the other side.

"Were you expecting someone?" You turned leaning over the arm of the couch, the view to the door wasn't blocked by anything.

"Yes. When I was able to think clearly again I realized there were quite a few solutions to our problem." He called over his shoulder as he opened the door.

A tall man in a black suit was behind it, he whispered something to Jungkook and handed him a paper bag. Jungkook patted him on the shoulder and motioned backward but neither stepped into the room. After a moment the guy nodded and Jungkook shut the door and turned around grinning.

"Was that a Hybe security guard?" He left the paper bag next to the bouquet of roses and flopped back onto the couch dragging your legs into his lap again.

"Yep." His grin had grown until he was beaming with mischief.


"I told him my girlfriend brought me to a hotel room without any condoms and I was worried about her setting me up for a baby bangtan. He brought some condoms, it was a real security risk Bunny." He was laughing, holding his sides, and you weren't sure if you should smack him or kiss him.

"What did he whisper to you?" You smacked him on the shoulder, deciding to be horrified, but inside you held in a laugh.

"He said if you wouldn't use them I shouldn't have sex with you."

"And you told him what?"

"That you finally came to your senses, you were just hungry. I thanked him and he left." Jungkook picked up his pizza again and glanced at the TV, the hero was shooting at a bad guy who miraculously even from less than ten feet was dodging the shots.

"Did you have to lie to get him to buy condoms?"

"No, I could have just said 'please bring condoms' and it would have worked just the same. But I wanted him to feel very useful."

"Did he buy your brand?"

"I don't know, what do you know about my brand Bunny?" Jungkook raised a brow before taking a bite, his attention no longer on the intense fight scene.

"Okamoto 001 L, Hyun told me. We had another solution that I also was able to think about once my hormones subsided. I could get dressed and walk to the convenience store a block away. I'm not famous, no one would think anything of it."

"That's not a solution at all, because there was no way I was letting you out of my sight until tomorrow." Jungkook abandoned the pizza again and tugged you into his lap. You kissed the smudge of pizza sauce from his lip and hugged him.

Jungkook's Love • JJKWhere stories live. Discover now